Luke Snyder + Hillshire Farm Commercial = ?

Jul 11, 2009 14:14


Okay, I admit, I am extremely easily entertained...and yesterday, Honey and I surpassed our own nerdiness with this little diddy we came up with.

Okay, so you all know those Hillshire Farm Commercials, right?

"We say 'Hillshire', You say 'Farm'"



"Go Meat!"

Right? So Honey and I were doing this in the car together, when suddenly Honey busts out with, "We say 'Snyder', You Say 'Farm'! Snyder Farm! Go Luke!"

HAHAHAHAHA. So then, of course I had to reference my personal favourite Hillshire Farm commercial, which is the one about the Miller High Life being boiled into the bratwursts. You know the one, right? "Ain't no brat like a Hillshire Farm brat 'cause the Miller High Life's boiled in!" (For the video, please visit here. I wasn't able to embed it. T_T)

So that led me to: "Ain't no Luke like a Snyder Farm Luke 'cause his awesome fam-i-ly's built in!"

HAHAHAHAHA. I cannot tell you the severe amusement Honey and I got out of this. I know, it's totally geeky, but I'm so easily amused it's not even funny, and this was no exception. ^_^


written by g, luke, snyder family

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