"Short of the long": G's Recap of the August 24th ATWT episode

Aug 25, 2009 01:33

So basically, today's episode went like this:

Noah: I wanna be theeeeere for youuuuuu.
Luke: You are being theeeeere for meeee.
Noah: I loooove you.
Luke: I looove you tooooo.
Noah: But I wanna be your familyyyyyy.
Luke: You arrrre my familyyyyy.

So, yeah. In all seriousness, I liked to day's episode a lot. I understand where both Luke and Noah are coming from. I love the fact that Noah wouldn't even entertain the idea of leaving for L.A. for Luke's sake, and I love the fact that even though he's devastated by Holden's "death" right now, Luke is pushing Noah to follow his dream. They are both being incredibly selfless and trying to do what's best for the other. *Sigh* Also - I'm going to say it bluntly - I like Mason. I haven't seen anything (so far) that's shown me that he's devious, or has ulterior motives *coughDamiancough*, or simply wants to sink his teeth into Noah. That may change sometime in the future, but as of right now, he's really been nothing more than supportive of the boys being together.

Also - I've said it before - I don't see Mason replacing what Luke gives to Noah. I really don't. I feel like Mason is on another level than Noah - more experienced in life and love and film - so he's kind of like a cool uncle-figure or something. Kind of like how Dusty was to Noah during the whole Luke-wheelchair debacle.

But, I do have to say, that if something is going to arise (bad choice of words) between Noah and Mason, it had better be when Luke and Noah are COMPLETELY broken up. NO CHEATING! Especially no cheating on Noah's end, not after his whole "I never cheated on you. I don't think it's too much to ask to remain faithful" spiel on the hospital rooftop to Luke. Bah. Cheating is bad!

And I have to mention how adorable Jake is when he's playing Noah all excited. He does this thing with his face....so hard to explain....but he like, talks out of the side of his face. Haha. I don't know how to explain it. Re-watch today's ep and look at Jake's face when he says "No. Way. When?" in regards to the meeting with Jude Law. :-) Hehe. Jake is awesome. He's done this thing before, in different eps...I think he did it in the episode when Luke told Noah that Brian had kissed him the first time...this face always seems to accompany the word "When?". Haha. <3 Jake!

Anyway, I gotta go now. I have a date with the Law. Jude Law.



what should have been said, mason, jake wins at life, recap post, written by g, luke/noah

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