Real Time Post - August 21st, 2009

Aug 21, 2009 13:57

Play-By-Play + Commentary

Liberty, of course Tony isn't interested in dating. (Can I tell you how much it bothers me that there's already a Tony established as a drug-using collegeage gay guy on the show? If she'd hooked up with that Tony, this could've been really interesting.)

Heheheh. "I'm going." "No, I'M going." "NO I'M GOING DAMN YOU."

Yeah, Paul, you go and insult the police. That's smart.


"Big ball of angst." Love it when characters break the fourth wall.

"Emanating from your wallet." Haha. Why does the writing become +100 whenever Henry is involved?

Smooth, Vienna. Heehee. "That's what accountants are for, darling."

The whole "divided-equally" thing...they kinda forgot they gave James another son, didn't they? Jordan? See, they're eager to bring in new annoying*cough*Teri*cough* characters, but ignore the Huh. They should remember their old stories, is what I'm saying.

Haha. Cockblocked!

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Henry: What are you afraid of?
"Vienna": Uh, dying!

G: Thank God [Henry] told her this time what he was doing.


Audrey: Hold that, hold that.
G: Uh...interesting choice of words.
Henry: Oh, Lord, strike me blind!
Honey: Me too, please DX

Poor Vienna's gonna take the fall for this.

WHAT'S WRONG WITH BEAN SPROUTS AND TOFU?????!!!!! ;_; Bad enough I'm bi, I gotta be a culinary minority, too. WE'RE HERE, WE uh...WE DON'T EAT STEERS, GET USED TO IT.

Heehee. Rosanna should start the "what" routine. "Which insult you gonna give me?" "What?" "'What' ain't no insult I ever heard of!" You gotta admit, they bait people really well on this show. I'm thinking of Luke's "Ever since we what? Ever since we what? Ever since we kissed? You can't even say it."

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Oh, poor Rosanna! She looked like Craig punched her in the face. Though he's right. He is "stunningly beautiful".

Smooth operation, Parker ^.^

THAT'S WHAT YOU GET FOR BEING STUPID, LIBERTY. I don't understand why people do this on soaps. Look, when things like that happen, girls write angry e-mails to their friends on Facebook...NOT SLEEP WITH DOUCHEBAGS.

Barbara's gonna pop a blood vessel soon. Seriously, does this woman like anybody?

My poor Vienna ;_; Oh, good! She's not arrested.

Emily's face was pretty priceless at the end.

-Commercial Break-
Brad on the promo ;_;
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Aw, Parker/Liberty wuv. They're cute together.

CARLY!! ;_; This sets up the return of Craig/Rosanna, doesn't it?

I feel like Barbara should be slithering around a garden offering naked chicks apples. She creeps me out. >.>

Haha! Vienna totally called the L33T Teleportashun Powas everyone in Oakdale seems to have.

Haha. Wasn't expecting Rosanna to find out that he lied so quickly.

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Parker and Liberty are cute together. She's totally pregnant.

!! Craig looks like he's gonna cut a bitch. I'd kick him in the nuts if I were Rosanna, just in pre-emptive self-defense.

James turning himself in...hmm...

Oh, whee. More Henry/Vienna butthurt wangst.

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Aww, Craig/Carly *melt melt melt* Y'know, maybe it's cause I wasn't there for it, but Craig/Carly feels like +100 over Jack/Carly. I don't understand all the Jack/Janet and Craig/Carly hate. They're so good together.

GO LIBERTY!! Good role model for young women ^.^

Aww. Craig/Rosanna heart-to-heart...yeah, they're going somewhere with this.

Go Vienna! The show is full of awesome women today. :D

So James is into girl-on-girl >.> Color me unsurprised.




Things are looking up ^.^ See, this show is like Veggie Burgers: either a hit or a miss. I feel like today was a genuinely good episode. Nothing felt forced or particularly contrived. There was angst and rage, but there was also some fluffy goodness. The drama is flowing quite naturally. Here's hoping they can keep this up gong into next week.


written by honey, parker/liberty, james/audrey, barbara, henry, jordan, barbara/audrey, holden, audrey, luke, parker, craig/rosanna, liberty, brad, tony, craig/carly, real time post, james and audrey do not want, craig, jack/carly, vienna, henry/vienna, rosanna, jack/janet, paul

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