Real Time Post - August 19th, 2009

Aug 19, 2009 13:58

Play-by-play and Commentary: Brought to you by G! ^_^

Haha. "Jay Stanhope" looking for Audrey...she's kinda hard to miss in that Day-Glo indigo dress.

Hehe. Henry's too silly to be evil. That's why we <3 him!
PS - Audrey's blue dress is actually really pretty.

YAY! HI DUSTY! (Oh, yeah...Dusty was in jail, right?)

Oh, boy. Barbara. *facepalm* just on principle.
LOL. Paul kidnapped, I mean, father-napped him....uh....? Whatever.


Pff. Nice Audrey. Trying to stall for time.
Now Henry finally has the upper hand!
HAHA. I wish the Tooth Fairy would have given me 50 grand! I would have been pulling my teeth out back then!
Hehe. Henry needs proof of life for James. He should go visit Paul's basement, Y/Y?

I don't like Regular!Paul. I want Amnesiac!Paul back. He was funner. ^_^
Ooh, Paul = sucka! Emily is keepin' that money, biotch.

Wow. A lot of people have been held prisoner in that wine cellar at Fairwinds, haven't they? Houses on this show should not be built with wine cellars.
LOL. Audrey does not live in reality. She thinks everything will just work out 'cause James is alive.

Paul not in his right mind? Noooo, not possible.
LOL. Paul is totally turned on by Emily. We all know it. Now he's gonna go throw her down on her desk and have his way with her.


Everyone on this show has an evil father that has in some way hurt/lied to/kidnapped them.
Audrey: Thank you, Henry, for looking out for me.
Henry: Yeah, yeah. NOW SHOVE OFF!
Aw. Now Henry's really gonna look out for Audrey! Aw!
Henry and Vienna superheroes now! Matching capes, Y/Y?

LOL. Bonnie wants to "help" Dusty. And by help, I mean tear her clothes off and jump him.
Emily: Let's make a deal!
Dusty: This is gonna blow Lucinda's head off. LET'S DO IT!
They work out a Noah-inspired elaborate handshake complete with butt-slapping, fist-pumping, and wolf-whistling.

Heh. Barbara DAGGER EYES at Audrey.
Barbara's eye-makeup is very heavy today.
Barbara: Your son sucks.
Audrey: Why, thank you!
"Barking up the wrong ex-wife"? That was two phrases too many mixed together. I don't even know what that means...and I had a strange vision of Audrey on her knees barking at Barbara's legs. >_<

Dusty: Thank you for what you said in court.
Paul: Sure. Now piss off.
Paul to Emily: GIMMEE MY MONEY!
And of course, a kiss would automatically make Emily give the money back. Not.


Emily: You kiss me, I hit you. Capice?
A-HA! I totally called the desktop sexytiems!!

"Jay Stanhope" is not intimidating. He's like a less-threatening, barely sexy Dusty-knockoff.

Vienna: All we have to do is give [Audrey] 50 grand! DUH.
AHAHAHA. Vienna extracts her revenge on Geneva after all!
Everybody wants/needs money in this episode.

Damn. Babs is gettin' her Nasty Factor on, calling Audrey a hoor.
Everyone on this show is obsessed with protecting their sons. We need some good daughter storylines!
How's Barbara going to get back home if Audrey stole her keys?
Barbara's eyelashes aren't so tiny, not in this ep, Audrey.

HEHE. Dusty takes a lesson from Noah, calling Bonnie while actually in the room with her. Very reminiscent of the "Turn Around" text message for Luke at Java, Y?
Dusty: I love you and respect you, Bonnie, but if you don't take your clothes off now and let me do you, we will have a big problem. (LOL!)
Dusty isn't bad at relationships! He's uber sweet, I've seen it!
Ooooh, Skank!Bonnie appears! Good times. ^_^

Um, WTF? Audrey steals the keys to Barbara's house and just SHOWS UP? Too bad Babs wasn't there to sock her in the face before she even got through the door. "Hellloooo, is anyb--" *PUNCH* (^_^ I amuse myself.)
It's been a long time, but James apparently can recognize Audrey with no problem!


Audrey: As soon as I knew you were alive and kickin', I was gonna hit you up for money!
Ugh. I do not like impending Audrey and James Sexytiems.
Damn. Audrey's ripped! Did you see those arms of hers?! *Jealous*

Dusty: I don't want to move too fast for you.
Bonnie: SHUT THE EFF UP AND DO ME, DAMMIT! God, you're such a girl!

Paul learns that he literally can't screw Emily out of the money he gave her. *snort*
Now everybody's partaking in Sexytiems this episode. Henry and Vienna, I'm looking at you!

I love the way Vienna supports Henry. She's a great girlfriend.

Okay. Audrey had Barbara's keys...HOW DID BARBARA GET IN?!
D'OH! Eavesdropping Emily hears ALLLLLL.


Paul: I seem to have misplaced my undead, psychopathic dad. No big!

I doubt the hospital faked Henry's DNA tests. Unfortunately.

Uh-oh. Bonnie's booking it! Not a good sign.
Umm....most awkward post-coital conversation ever.
Um, friends?! No.
Ah, okay. Bonnie was playing headgames.
Okay, I want Dusty to have someone, I do. But I don't know if I want it to be Bonnie. Especially since she's already testing him.

James: Hello, son!
OOH! The entire cast of As the World Turns ends up in one room! Exciting! Kinda like a big sleepover. *Imagines cast enjoying a bonfire and singing "Kum-bah-yah" and roasting marshmallows* ^_^
Now I kinda wanna go camping.


More father-son/crazy messed up family debacle tomorrow!


barbara, jay stanhope, bonnie/dusty, emily/paul, real time post, henry/vienna, written by g, audrey, james

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