Real Time Post - August 12th, 2009

Aug 12, 2009 14:37

Play-By-Play + Commentary

I apologize for missing yesterday's RTP; I was at the cast party for Godspell and forgot to tell G about it so she could do the post. Anyway...

You shut him down, Ali! (G filled me in on what happened.)

I know I'm quoting G with "OH MY GOD, JUST TELL HIM." (Re: Riley)

I do not like this Bob. And his expression never changes.

...*Resolves to go check my book of patron saints regarding this St. Clare revelation. I thought Gabriel was patron of television broadcasters?*

Aww. Poor Janet. I wonder if that's how she felt the first time she (the actress) was in front of the camera.

Favor, Jack? *Perks*

-Commercial Break-
*Digs book of saints out of books-to-take-to-university* Yep, St. Clare of Assisi is the patron saint of television. She was granted this patronage because of a vision in which she was able to witness a Midnight Mass from her deathbed as clearly as if she were there. And since TV lets you see things clearly that are far away...yeah. Yeah, and St. Gabriel is the patron of broadcasters.
-/Commercial Break--

Aww, Jack is so sweet <3 *Yawn* Pissing contest between Jack and Craig. *Snore*

*Finds it lolarious that Janet calls him "Bradley"*

Aww, Riley said he loves his bwother *Pout*

"The actors are not supposed to eat the props. It's like a union rule." lololol "Meatball Continuity" sounds like the name of a three-person novelty band.
G: "Meatball Continuity"?! brb rofl 4ever!!!

Aw, Bob/Kim lunch date. And...Riley/Alison lunchdate. Uh >.> Yeah...this should go over well.

-Commercial Break-
G: Also, since I have an inordinate fondness for Rocky Horror Picture Show, I just realized that Brad and Janet are...well, Brad and Janet. ^_^ Hehe.
Honey: wow...just now?
G: Yeah, seriously. Just now, it clicked. DUH.
-/Commercial Break-

*Reminded of Sweeney Todd*

Smooth, Jack. Real smooth.

How did Ali totally miss Casey? They entered and exited through the exact same door within two seconds of each other.

I feel like I'm missing the signifigance of Teri and Craig's conversation.

I actually like Protective!Casey. It's the same thing as Protective!Holden. IOW I predict lots of people will hate it while G and I think its adorable.

Speaking of adorable, Jack/Janet squee!

There are no secrets in Metro today, are there.
G: Aaaaannnddd.....KABLOOEY!

-Commercial Break-
-/Commercial Break-

I do think Janet is due for an epic bitchfit...but not about this.

Yay, Protective!Casey.

Oh great. IDon'tBelieveYou!Kim. I think the "Strange behavior of some in Oakdale" is going to be due to Bob's improperly administered medicine, a la the mass poisoning last year.

*Would applaud Craig throwing himself under the bus, but saw the ulterior motive he had with Parker's thing so is curious about where this is going*

-Commercial Break-
-/Commercial Break-

"I may have threatened legal action, I don't remember." - lolol. Craig's a fun liar.

Ironic conversation between Bob and Riley is ironic.

(Re: Craig's "You should try [being nice].") Jack is like, "Bitch please. I will slap you in your face."

Wai hello thar, heart attack. Would you like to meet Kim? :(

-Commercial Break-
-/Commercial Break-

At least they're not showing the CPR so there's no complaining over how fake it is :/

Aww, Jack/Janet. All I ever do is melt with these two on the screen.

...Craig/Teri? It wouldn't be the first time he went for a younger woman. Isn't she like Lucy's age? Maybe younger? *Skeevy*

Previews looks awesome, and I'M GOING TO MISS IT BECAUSE OF ORAL SURGERY. Fabulous. Wisdom teeth can bite me. *rimshot*



brad, written by honey, jack, bob/kim, real time post, craig, janet, kim, bob, casey/alison, alison, riley, jack/janet, craig/teri

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