Aug 04, 2009 13:58
Play-by-play + Commentary: Special Edition Continued: brought to you by G!
Okay. Meg and Lily need a couple spandex unitards and a mud pit. Then the hair-pulling and the girly-slapping wrestling match can commence.
Holden to Meg: Bitch, you know not of what you speak!
Um, Luke...the hair? Like father like son...?
Still, the outfit makes up for it.
Any employees who hate Luke can go die in a fire. Nobody hates Luke and lives! ^_^ *fangirls unite*
Aw, Damian and Luke so cute! I want a hug from them!
Mason *hiss*
Jake looks hot in red. With that dark hair. Yeah.
Mason: Afterwards I can get you drunk off your ass and take advantage of you. I mean...we can talk! Yeah, talk.
Aw, Noah lit up when Mason said he could bring Luke. *huggles him*
Yes, Ali! Let Hunter HAVE IT!
Hehe. Brother-sister snarking at each other is funny. ^_^
Emily's still wearing that cool dress. ^_^
Emily to Paul: Tell me the truth or I will break my foot off in your hindparts.
Poor Holden. Caught in the middle. I don't blame him for how he feels toward Damian. Holden had to pick Luke up when Damian tore him down.
Unconvincing Lily is unconvincing.
Lily: Holllllllden, Damian doesn't care about me anymooooore! *footstomp*
Personally, I think Meg is better with Damian than with Paul...
HAHA. And YET AGAIN, Meg runs to Damian to cry about her problems. Damian should put one of those therapist couches in his office for her and start charging by the hour.
Still, I think they're cute together. Bah.
Damian: (on his knees) Dinner tonight, Y/Y?
YAY! Boys together and a KISS!
Ooh, Noah, rub him down!! Yeahhhh.
Jake is rockin' that T-shirt! Totally hot.
Hehe. Lusty!Luke makes me happy. Oh, the fanfics that are going to pop up just from the mention of Nuke in the back of a dark theater...
"Go. Be brilliant." *brb melting 4ever!*
ANOTHER KISS!!! I <3 them like I have never <3-ed them before! That kiss was so nice.
Haha. "Egg thief". Sounds like Easter Day mischief.
Hmm. Hunter + sarcasm does not work for me.
"Lesion"? Ow.
When does Paul not take chances? He kidnapped his own daughter.
"Stupid center"?!?!?! Emily and I are now BFFs. ^_^
LOL. Emily EPIC FAIL at making Paul feel better about himself.
Bad things from Emily's past? Noooo, not possible. She's squeaky clean! Except for all that prostitution stuff...
Wow. Ali's letting everybody have it today.
Lily and Meg Bitchfight: Take 2.
Aw. Luke's immediately uncomfortable around girls who aren't related to him.
Uh...Creepy Screening is Creepy!
Is Mason trying to seduce Noah through film? He buttered Noah up pretty good there.
I think if anything, Noah will just end up really admiring Mason for his knowledge and creativity about film. I can't see Mason replacing what Luke gives to Noah.
PS - with all this special attention Noah is getting because he's a good filmmaker, we'd better be able to see a finished product!
Okay, Meg and Lily need to walk away from each other. This fight is going in circles.
Meg hits below the belt in comparing herself to Lily! Ouch. Damn, Meg.
Yay, boys on promo and on today's episode! Whee!
Uggghhh....the Meg and Lily Bitchfight drags on...
Lily hits below the belt now. "Skank, you don't know how to keep a man!"
Aw. Luke jumping to conclusions. Still cute.
Hee. I love the Luke-Damian dynamic.
AWWWW! They're so freakin' adorable. I'm so glad that Damian finally loves him for who is, truly.
Lily only THINKS she made it worse? Uhhh...?
Wow. Holden is waaaay more accepting of Meg's relationship with Damian than I thought he would be. No aneurysm, really?
Meg shows up to the date just to take a raincheck? Isn't the point of a raincheck to not show up? LOL.
Hehe. Luke on his first date with a chick! Not.
"New Paul"...still as stupid as Old Paul.
Haha. "Inappropriate men"? Love it.
"Greg's List". I love this show.
Ali's threats are coming a bit too late, I feel. Considering the sexytiems have already taken place between Paul and Emily.
Overwhelmed Paul is overwhelmed. LOL.
Oh, Paul, please don't hit on Ali. I'm trying to like you, I really am.
Aw. Emily taking care of Hunter. She's a good mom. Or at least, trying to be. *Pats Emily on back* A for effort.
Still the most awkward mother-son duo. ^_^
Uh-oh. Meg's sparking Damian's feelings for Lily without even knowing it. Did you see the look that came across his face when she mentioned Lily?
Wow. Lily and Holden have switched roles. Now Lily hates Damian and Holden's okay with him. WHO ARE YOU AND WHAT HAVE YOU DONE WITH MY BELOVED CHARACTERS?!
Aw! Adorable Luke talking about his sisters! He was so into it, too! I love Brother!Luke.
"Totally gay". HA! Why does this always have to be defined to everyone?
I like Sara. She was sweet.
Lipstick on Luke's cheek!
Jealous!Noah reappears! I have missed you, my friend. ^_^ Though, you have nothing to worry about. Did you see how Luke jumped up and immediately introduced you as his boyfriend? No worries there, trust me.
A-HA! Paul's going to use all his money to buy a newspaper for Emily.
More brother-sister snarking! Whee!
"Blah blah Hunter shut up blah". HAHA. <3 Ali.
HEHE. Cute!Jealous!Noah.
Yes. Please to give Luke credit, Noah? He's more than proven his feelings for you.
WAHHH, SO ADORABLE! I melt every time Luke puts his hands on Noah's face.
PS - Can we PLEASE see them go home together?! Is that too much to ask?!!! *shakes fist at ATWT writers*
Meg and Damian *gag* ^_^
Apparently Damian's got the cure to what ails her. ^_^
Lily is giving Damian her permission to date Meg? He's not your son, Lily!
-/End show
Ooh, Liberty! Ouch. Poor Janet!
Tomorrow's ep looks like fun! ^_^
real time post,
stupid paul,
jake silbermann,
meg and damian sexytiems,
written by g