"It's A Nice Fricken Day" - Mini Recap, 7/26/10

Jul 26, 2010 20:43

OMG. THANK GOD PARKER HAD HIS WITS ABOUT HIM TODAY. He spared me what would have been an EXCRUCIATING viewing experience.

PS - Basically Faith said this today: "Wah wah wah. Me me me." STFU, you self-centered brat. Somebody kick that girl in the crotch. And she basically proved just how NOT ready she is to have sex with all her stupid reasoning today. Get over yourself!

CarJack was LOVELY today! But they need to squash all the bullshit and just be together already. Janet and baby be damned.

Chris and Katie were great! Except that Katie's still heartbroken over losing Henry and Chris is only now deciding that he wants the COS position because Daddy gave it to someone else. >_<

Kim and Bob were frigging adorable. I love how Kim didn't even bother getting upset at Bob's "woman of that age" line. ♥ ♥

Luke and Reid!

First of all, MOAR ROLE-PLAYING, PLZ. So next time, Reid will be the debonair billionaire, and Luke will be the French maid who waits by the door for his return. Y/Y?!

Reid's "But what if I only want to play nice with you?" really meant "But what if I only want to be naughty with you and bang you into your mattress all night?" XD

I LOVED Reid's conversation with Gretchen when he was trying to be nice to her. CRACKED MY SHIT UP. And then he calls after her when she runs away! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Reid, I LOVE YOU. I LOVE AWKWARD!REID. That scene was very reminiscent of his scene with Luke at Java when he wanted Luke to donate to the neuro wing.

But I love snarky Reid, too. I hope these Luke Lessons don't chip away too much of Reid's inherent personality. I want him to stay himself, even if that means he makes the occasional nurse cry. Those nurses need to know how to buck up and take it!

I ADORED how Luke said, "Bring your stethoscope" for three reasons. 1) Way back when I did my recap for the Dallas episodes, I alluded to the fact that Reid would one day let Luke play with his stethoscope. Of course, I was using "stethoscope" as a metaphor for *ahem* Reid's manly parts, but it still counts. :-P 2) I FRICKING LOVE how after Luke says that line, Reid just follows after him like a cute little puppy. He's practically wagging his tail! HEHE. And 3) You just KNOW that Luke's a freak in the sack with that line. Am I right? Come on. Look at the way he says it, with the flirty eyes and dirty smile. Horny!Luke makes me happy, even if he's not really horny and nothing really happens afterward. :-P

Oh, LuRe. I need a cold shower after this one. XD Please flirt more, I love it so much. They were both channeling their inner Austin Powers. Do I make you randy, baby? Oh, behave! (Or not! :-P)

My one gripe is - and I'm sure you know it already! - that they haven't kissed in AGES. What do we have to do to get these guys to kiss again?! Like pulling teeth, for cryin' out loud. LET THE MEN GET IT ON WITH EACH OTHER ALREADY. If this was real life, Reid would have had Luke down on that floor after his "Wanna play doctor?" line in an instant. And I'd bet my whole bank account that Luke wouldn't have been saying no! ;-)



So in short, today's episode was pretty much about relationships, sex, and love talk. It was good for me, was it good for you?



jack, luke/reid, chris, bob/kim, faith, recap post, katie, carly, parker, written by g

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