Are We Having Fun Yet? - Today's Recap, 7/23/10

Jul 23, 2010 15:56

Lily's survival method for making it through Molly's bridal shower today? Getting schnockered and toasting everything in sight, regardless of whether it made sense or not! HAHAHAHAHAHA I love it. And her "The more the Mollier" line? BWAHAHAHAHAHA That's so lame it's funny! Drunk Lily is so much fun!

Not as much fun as Drunk!Luke. But she was pretty great for most of the party there. XD

Unfortunately, the fun ended very soon thereafter. Faith kept telling Lily to knock it off and behave herself, which Lily finally did. She went out to the car to get Molly's wedding gift and never came back to the party after realizing that she really didn't want to see/hear Molly/everyone talking about "love" and negligees and all that. Instead she left her gift on the porch and then went to see Holden at the farm. And her scenes with Holden were really sad. :-(

She tells Holden that she still loves him, and can't be in Oakdale when he marries Molly. He understands, and she asks him not go go after her when she leaves. She then goes to see Craig and tells him she needs to split ASAP, and asks if he'll go with her.

Okay, I've decided. As friends? Lily and Craig are cute. He was very sweet with her today - holding her, giving her water, being completely understanding throughout her meltdown. BUT THAT'S IT. NO SEXYTIEMS ARE ACCEPTABLE BETWEEN THEM. I can deal with Lily and Craig as long as they don't cross the line anymore. NO MORE KISSING! Bleh.

And CARLY! I HEART YOU. Carly has been the ONE person on this show who hasn't pissed me off in a REALLY long time. She was concerned for Lily and even called Craig to check up on her later. AND she gave Janet some really good advice, to the tune of "STOP BEING A DUMBSHIT AND APPRECIATE THE FACT THAT DUSTY WANTS TO TAKE CARE OF YOU". I couldn't have said it better myself!

I have to admit, when Molly picked up Lily's present and asked Carly if she should be worried about it ticking (as in,'s really a bomb, LOL), that scene was very funny. The two of them even leaned in to listen for it! HAHA.

So, Lucy's back in town! The more I see of her, the more I like her with Dusty. She's not Spencer Grammer, but I like this actress. She and Grayson seemed much at home with one another. So yeah...I think Dusty should grab Lucy and forget ALL about that train-wreck named Janet. What do you guys think?

And Blackie asks Janet out on a date! No fair using baseball, though, 'cause now I can't be mad at Janet if she agrees to go with him to the game. I ♥ baseball, so I can totally understand why she'd go with him. It's always a fun time. And HEY! At this point, if Blackie wanted to steal Janet away, I'm good with that. It would let Dusty off the hook, and seeing Blackie and Jack spar would be a LOT of fun, wouldn't it? :-P

Btw, Blackie trying to threaten Craig today was extremely entertaining. The man's like...two feet tall. He's probably the least intimidating person on the show right now. :-P But once again, we have confirmation that Blackie is in cahoots with Lucinda and her scheme to bring Craig down.

And speaking of, let's talk about Gabriel. Actually, let's not. I only have one thing to say to him, and it shall apply from now till the day the show ends: STFU.

He suddenly wants to know Lucy and desperately needs Liberty to be there for him (he's such a girl! :-P) and of course, Libs has agreed. But she only agreed after she let Parker know that when she saw him with Faith at his photo shoot, she was NOT happy. But then she declared that she wasn't jealous. And I'm the Queen of France, Libby Lu! Ugh.

And Faith today. Parker sees her in her dress for Molly's bridal shower and his eyes fall out of his head. Barf. Then he says, "You look hot." And Faith replies, "I know!" *headdesk* There's the self-centered Faith Snyder I know and hate love.

And then later. AND THEN LATER. AND THEN. LATER. With the kissing and the crying and the undressing and AGGGHHH! MY EYES. MY EYES. Parker/Faith sexytiems = DO. NOT. WANT. EVER!!!

That scene was very poorly executed. First of all, who is this Faith Snyder and what has the show done with that bitchy, petulant child I so loved to hate on? She was actually worried (WORRIED! AND CRYING!) about Lily. Dear Lord, run for your life - the world is coming to an end!! Faith showed actual compassion for her mother! I don't even know who I am anymore!!

Then - after Faith called Parker, blubbering and sniffling in Old Town - he found her in the woods (that's where she goes to look for Lily?) and apparently there was no other way to comfort Faith except with his lips. It takes her all of two seconds to forget all about Lily and then she's tugging Parker down on to the ground with her. AND THEN THE UN-ZIPPERING HAPPENED. UN. ZIPPERING. How convenient that it was right on the front of her dress!

Aaaaaand now I'm traumatized for life, because WHAT IS SEEN CANNOT BE UNSEEN. x_x

Okay, I may be old-fashioned or something, but...Faith's what? 16? 17? She's is NOT ready to have sex. ESPECIALLY NOT WITH HER COUSIN. And not in the fricking woods, of ALL places!! *headdesk* And Parker, PLEASE, for the love of all that's holy, don't do this. PLEASE. I beg of you, think about what you're doing first!

BTW, once again the show presents itself as a master of Luke!Fail. In Faith's rambling/crying today, she lamented over the fact that she didn't live in the same house as her "brother and sister". BUT FAITH HAS TWO BROTHERS, YES?!

FAIL, FAIL, FAIL. ATWT, you continuously fail at Luke!!!

Anyway, next topic? Yes.


Basically, the previews showed everyone on the show snogging each other's faces off next week. No really. Go watch. It's like one big kiss-fest. And Henry's going off his rocker, because now he's hearing Barbara's voices in his head. :-P Oh yeah, and neither Luke/Reid or Luke/Noah were shown. MEH!


Hope everyone is having a fabulous Friday! ♥!

PS - In my icon below, Luke accurately portrays how I feel about Parker/Faith. Hee!

liberty, dusty, gabriel, faith, recap post, johnny, carly, craig, lily, janet, parker, written by g, lucy, holden/molly

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