And Katie is My Hero for the Day - Today's Recap, 7/9/10

Jul 09, 2010 15:38

First, in reply to previews for next week: Lily + Craig = HURL!

The show can't just let Lily exist without a man, can it? Oh, well.

So more than half of today's scenes with Katie and Chris basically went like this:

C: Do you like me?
K: Yes.

C: Do you want me to stay?
K: Yes.

C: Do you like me?
K: Yes.

C: Do you want me to stay?
K: Yes.

C: Can I kiss you?
K: Yes.

C: Can we make on the sexytiems?
K: Ye--NO!


Okay, I'm glad Katie was honest (and Chris was, too). But I'm kinda befuddled that Chris still wants to hang around and give things a try when he knows that Katie isn't ready for a full-blown relationship yet. That's a fine line to walk, I feel. He won't know when he's overstepped her boundaries until he's already done it (and most likely heard about it from her). *shrug* Whatever they want, I guess.

But aside from that, KATIE RULES TODAY. Kim passed her Awesome Crown over to Katie for her scenes with Vienna and Henry today. OMG. Katie Peretti Snyder, I knew I could count on you!

First, she basically took all the words from my mouth when she let Vienna have it at the hospital. Vienna was all "ZOMG I NEEDED TO DO THIS TO KEEP HENRY YOU'RE THE BESTEST BFF EVAR KTHX" and Katie was pretty much like, "DIE. NOW. YOU SAD, PATHETIC LITTLE WOMAN!" Katie was more upset about everything than Vienna was!

Then when she found Henry at the Lakeview bar and he was blaming the crap out of himself for Vienna's miscarriage and her behavior, Katie cocked her assault rifle and BLEW VIENNA OUT OF THE WATER by telling Henry the truth: THERE WAS NO BABY TO BEGIN WITH.

Vienna's life just went KABLOOEY. In her face!


Of course, there is going to be backlash for Katie, because she helped perpetuate the lie for a time, but I think in the long run, Henry will forgive her. If she could forgive him for the whole Ralph issue, I think he can forgive her for this. It might take some time, but I think they'll get back there!

AND BILLY TODAY! BILLY MAGNUSSEN, YOU ARE ONE OF MY FAVOURITEST PEOPLE IN THE WHOLE WIDE WORLD. Not just because he hugged my sis at the ATWT Fan Luncheon like she was his BFF, but also because of HOW FRICKING CUTE HE WAS WITH HALLIE TODAY!!! *_*

Casey/Billy is going to be an AWESOME father. I demand Daddy!Casey fanfic. Please?!

So along with Casey/Hallie and Casey/Ali cuteness today, we got to see Will and Gwen again! YAY. Will is as awesome as ever. I never had any strong feelings towards Gwen - like or dislike - but man, this episode murdered her hair. :-P Girl needs her bangs back.

Anyway, so Will and Gwen show up and Will isn't convinced that Barbara just took off on a cruise, for a couple reasons: 1) Barbara once went on a cruise and HATED it, swearing she would never do it again, and 2) Barbara was supposed to babysit Hallie for them the day before but never showed up. And there's no way in hell Will or Paul believe that Barbara would cancel on seeing her granddaughters.

And Barbara - SURPRISE! - finds another padlocked door behind a curtain in the warehouse, and she proceeds to knock the lock off only to find - SURPRISE! - a brick wall behind the door. In the words of my sis: Who the hell builds a door in front of a wall? I guess maybe the wall was built afterward to block the entrance.

Whichever. Barbara's stuck in the warehouse, and she's starting to give Meg a run for her money with all the crazy, when she's attacked from behind once again by the Red Gloves of Doom, accompanied by Teh Evil Handkerchief of Evilness (with presumably another healthy dose of LSD lining its fibers). So...whoever's doing this to Barbara ALSO lives in the warehouse?

Wouldn't it be funny if it turned out to be Chuckles? Actually, no. That wouldn't be funny. That image would haunt my dreams for the next two weeks. >_< Brain bleach.

So now Babs is all tied up...with Chuckles at her side. Bleh!

Next week is: Lily/Craig (I think I might toss my cookies), Jack and Carly (YAY JACK!), Henry ripping Vienna a new one (how's that feel, ya biotch?!), and these two mystical characters named Luke and Reid. Remember them? It's been like, a thousand years since we've seen them, but alas! They will once again grace our TV screens. :-D

And what's with all this "naive" nonsense everyone keeps throwing at Luke? I don't consider him naive at all. He's pretty self-aware and very intelligent, if you ask me. Let us not forget that he taught the good doctor a few things without even trying! :-P


Happy Friday, all! ♥

chris, barbara, recap post, katie, will/gwen, casey, henry/vienna, alison, written by g, paul

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