Whodunit?! - Today's Recap, 6/8/10

Jun 08, 2010 19:41

Ha. Psycho Meg is psycho!

So Paul and company find out that Meg's been bingeing on methadone. Meg, of course, swears up and down that she doesn't know anything about it, while Barbara pins the whole thing on Emily (because Emily was also at the hospital the day the methadone went missing). I'm understanding where Paul's coming from in terms of wanting to protect Meg, but he's seriously effing it up with Emily. She's about one second away from going ballistic on him.

And once again, Meg and her "let's see how long it takes for me to get caught" method of hiding things. First the day-glo red pills that she kept in a clear baggie under her pillow at Deerbrook, now the bottle that says METHADONE in big bold letters just hanging out in her purse. Hello?! First rule of crime: GET RID OF THE EVIDENCE! Or at least be a little more stealthy with it! Sheesh, Meg. :-P

Barbara and Henry today were so wonderful. Barbara talks Henry down from a panic attack, and how much did you love the flashback to when Vienna and Henry said goodbye to the little one they'd lost? (Heh. "Sven.") T_T I'd forgotten that they released the balloons at the park. And once again Barbara reassured Henry that he's going to be a great father.

EXCEPT VIENNA ISN'T PREGNANT. AND SHE WAS CONSIDERING ARTIFICIAL INSEMINATION. Ack! Luckily, Katie talked her out of it (or I'm assuming, since when Henry showed up to Vienna's appointment, she lied and said it had been cancelled...though it could have just ended instead). I miss old Vienna...the Vienna in the flashback who was still a good person and an interesting character that I liked. :-(

Casey and Ali do some sleuthing and find out that Vienna hasn't had a doctors' appointment in over a year or so, even though she was at Memorial today. So can I mention that Vienna is driving TWO men crazy over NOTHING?! This is totally unfair to Casey and Henry. Casey because he's getting strung along and trying to do the right thing all the while, and Henry because he's totally believing Vienna's lies and is going to get smacked in the face when she finally has to tell him the truth (which, I feel, is inevitable).

But Casey and Tom FTW today. Casey admitted what was going on with Vienna (though he didn't say her name), and Tom was proud of him for stepping up and even said he would help Casey draw up papers for a paternity test. ♥ They hugged and all is right with the world. Too cute, you guys. They're right up there with Holden and Luke. :-)

Chris presses Katie to admit she feels the same fall-to-the-floor, swoon-over-me-and-then-pass-out way that he feels for her, and she basically tells him (repeatedly) to stuff it. :-) Chris decides that he's not going to tape the show with her anymore, and says goodbye. Katie's totally afraid of letting Brad go completely and moving on, and she's also afraid to let herself love again. Poor girl. She needs a Reid Oliver-style kick in the arse pronto. Chris is goo-goo for her and could give her everything she needs. (Though I still stick by what I've said before...if Simon comes back, Chris better get lost right quick! :-P)

Also - shallow note - why couldn't they have straightened her hair a little bit more in the back? Geez. Watching her hair kept making me want to reach for my hair iron and help the girl out. :-P

Tomorrow looks like more Psycho!Meg (otherwise known as EEE EEE EEE EEE), Emily freaking out with Ali over losing Paul (oh, Babs, why'd ya have to go and do that?), and Noah's pulling a page from Holden Snyder's book of How to Deal with People I Hate. :-P Can you imagine if Noah had an oar of his own? LOOK OUT! :-P

I think Noah is a lot like Holden and Luke is a lot like Lily. That's pretty funny considering the boys were once brothers! HAHAHAHA.

Don't mind me...I'm tired. And when I'm tired, I get giggly. And when I get giggly...things get ugly. :-P


chris, tom, barbara, recap post, katie, casey, henry/vienna, alison, paul/emily, written by g, meg

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