ATWT Double-Header: G Style - Yesterday's and Today's Recap, 6/2 and 6/3/10

Jun 03, 2010 20:43

Silas to Molly: "No need to go anywhere...let's just turn up the heat."

Um...GAG! I need to watch Silas Whitman like I need a hole in the head.

Can you guess the word of the day with yesterday's episode? Uh yeah...that word would be DUMB BITCH.


Okay, that's two words. BUT IT STILL RINGS TRUE. Vienna and Molly should marry each other. I think between the two of them, they have half a brain cell. Vienna's scenes with Katie? Pretty much went like this: "WAHHHHHH MY LIFE SUCKS AGGHHHH! HOW DO I STOP BEING A DUMB BITCH?!" and Molly's scenes with Holden pretty much went like, "WAHHHHH MY LIFE SUCKS! HOW DO I STOP BEING A DUMB BITCH?!" (Do you notice a pattern? :-P) An answer to which neither Holden nor Katie could supply, because it BOGGLES THE MIND! How do you stop a dumb bitch from being dumb? :-P (Is that like What do you do with a drunken sailor...? HAHA.)

I can't wrap my head around why Molly would keep giving in to Silas, who has now given me an eyetwitch. Seriously...this is the first time since I started watching the show that I actually wanted to fast-forward through scenes. And why Vienna thinks that sleeping with another man will bring Henry back to her (as she said flat-out to Katie: "I HAD to sleep with Casey because I felt Henry slipping away from me." EH?!) is BEYOND my comprehension, and I can usually be pretty giving in my consideration of circumstances. GIVE IT UP, YOU TWO. Molly, change your damn number and report his creepy ass to the police! Vienna, 'fess up to Henry, because the ensuing shitstorm when he finds out will not work in your favor!

Ahem. Rant over. :-)

You know who was cool in this episode? Lily. Barring all her "WAHHHH I WANT HOLDEN BACK!" scenes with Lucinda, I thought Lily was pretty kick-ass. She willingly and happily invited Holden and Molly to her party and she stuck up for Holden when Lucinda kept questioning his life. Go Lily!

And Henry and Casey were pretty much like:

H: Dude. Babies.
C: Yeah. I know.

And drunken fun commenced. :-) Unfortunately, they didn't get drunk enough for Casey to frigging blow Vienna out of the water. Damn. But, he's not giving up on this yet. He will find out if this "baby" is his! And Ali's his sidekick. :-)

Speaking of her, how sweet was it when she said he was a good guy? ♥ Casey is wonderful! And poor Ali had to put up with more of Chris's insane ramblings, which led to her spilling the beans to Katie about everything Chris said. Oy.

So now Katie's as jumpy as a cat around Chris, but he can't remember shit from shinola about what he said. LOL. He knows Katie's acting weird, but that's all he has to go on. Poor guy!

And that scene with Katie in Vienna and Henry's room, when she said she didn't think she'd find love like Brad's again? :-( Not true. Chris could love her just as intensely...and I bet you he will!

And now on to today's episode! :-P


So....lemme get this straight. A "Welcome to Our Home" party for Gabriel includes Lucinda trying to pay him off to leave town, Faith bitching him out every chance she got, Carly shooting him the awkward eye, and Jack interrogating him in the kitchen without any witnesses.

Lily sure knows how to throw a party, eh? XD Welcome to Oakdale, bitch! :-P

So Jack tried to wheedle more details out of Gabriel, who luckily (before he totally blew it) was rescued by Lucinda, who stole him away, back to the party. When they got back home, Carly snapped at Jack about him questioning Gabriel, and also questioning her about the glass angel she kept on her desk at Monte Carlo (which is the supposed weapon Craig used to try to kill Gabriel). She sees Jack as putting Parker in jeopardy and is not happy about it one bit!

So, apparently Molly's definition of being a strong, independent woman includes blubbering like a baby and trembling in the face of her adversary. Why doesn't she just hang a sign around her neck saying "TAKE ADVANTAGE OF ME, PLEASE"? 'Cause Silas basically had the green light from her. And by that I mean that Molly willingly walked into his trap (not that she deserved what happened to her).

Btw, Horny!Silas = I need to scrabble my eyes out with a dull fork while drowning myself in the largest, most copious amount of brain bleach ever manufactured. FOR REAL. I'm going to have nightmares tonight if I don't get those images out of my head. *shudder*

But then Holden runs in and is all, "I WILL BEAT YOU WITHIN AN INCH OF YOUR LIFE WITH MY OAR, SON!" and he takes Silas down. THANK ALL THAT'S HOLY. Make that man kiss the floor, Holden!



God, those scenes with Noah and Lily. T_T Lily is basically the mother Noah never had, and she so desperately didn't want him to go, and she was so worried about never seeing him again. AGGGHHHHHH. So sad! And Noah was so sweet when he thanked her for everything and said that Luke had a wonderful family. Oh, Noah! Don't leave. They'll always be your family, too! And Holden said as much! GAH. And the hugs. The hugggsssssss.

WAHHH. The two of them (that is, Noah and Lily) left me curled in the fetal position on my couch! DAMN IT ALL TO HELL I CAN'T TAKE THE SADNESS. T_T

And then on top of it, the boys in Luke's room! YOU SONS OF BITCHES I HATE YOU ALL. That scene hurt! T_T They started talking, openly and honestly (and calmly and rationally), and Luke assured Noah that his family would always be Noah's family too (told ya, N!) and then they flashed back to their first kiss when Noah saw his tie hanging over the back of Luke's chair. YOU BASTARDS YOU SUCK HARDCORE.

I hate the fact that this show does sadness so well. It kills me. :-( Serious heartache.

And then, the award for Absolute Worst Timing in the History of the World goes to: Dr. Reid Oliver!

Gyargh. Don't get me wrong...I don't mind that Luke invited him (in fact, I really liked Luke's parting, "Never be a part of anything real" line to Reid), but I'm upset that the boys' conversation got cut off. The least the show could do was give us a proper scene with them settling things somewhat before Reid popped in. Instead we got it handed to us and then cruelly yanked right back. ASSHOLES!

I don't know who I'm yelling at anymore. :-P But I do know that the boys hurt my heart today. Especially Noah. He went from a hard childhood to a difficult adolescence to finding out his mother was dead and his father was psycho. He was finally freed when he met Luke. He had love, and a family, and people who genuinely gave a crap about what he did. Now he's back to having nothing at all. Just some memories which in the beginning, will hurt him more than anything else. :-( *huggles him* *huggles Lily too*

Also, I love nasty, sarcastic Noah. Truly I do. Wear your snark with pride, m'boy. :-) I like this about him because it only happens where Luke is concerned. If Noah didn't give a flying crap about Luke, he wouldn't bother being nasty or upset or snarky, especially to Reid. :-) I love that he lets his colors show when he's being protective of Luke (and/or their relationship). (Though some of his sarcasm and anger was also directed at Luke for the non-invitation. Oops. :-P)

So...let's talk about Reid. And how he PMS-es better than ANYONE I know! Geez. :-P

Was he trying to be a complete and utter dillhole to Luke? Seriously. I'm not mad at him, and I haven't stopped loving him, but I felt like he was really insensitive to Luke today. And maybe it stemmed out of his jealousy over seeing Luke and Noah together (God, men don't ever grow up, do they? :-P), but you would think, that since he's so head over heels for Luke, he'd be able to put his feelings aside, at least for a little bit. He switched back to the Reid who first came to Oakdale and didn't give two shits about anybody and didn't care who got hurt by his words. Where do you think that came from? I guess he was still angry about his last encounter with Luke, but...he could have just stayed away from the party then. :-P Even if he can't resist free food. did he end up in Luke's room? There was no food there (err, unless you count Luke...?). LOL.

But, I have to mention, that after Luke told Reid to get out (heh...what goes around comes around, I guess), Reid did look really sad. I mean...really sad, like he knew he fricked it up and hurt Luke and didn't want to do that, and also like what Luke said about him not being human really hurt. He's been trying, can only be who you are. And if you want to change, you gotta really want it. You can't half-ass change in yourself.

And go Luke! His backbone came back again. I'm glad he stood up to Reid and was like, "Dude. You don't even know. This kinda stuff is a MIRACLE. PS - It's not a joke, either. YOU WOULD KNOW THIS IF YOU WEREN'T AN ASS." :-P Haha. GO LUKE!

However...I gotta mention (my Nukies...skip this part!) that I think the writers are setting up a scenario where Noah is out of the picture for a while, Luke and Reid are back to being all rawr! hiss with one another, but since they're still working on the neuro wing together, they start growing closer again, and before we know it, they're making out again in the doctors' lounge or something to that effect. I could be totally wrong, but...that's my guess for right now.

PS - This eppy was kinda schizo where Luke and Reid were concerned, don't you think? Last time we saw them, Reid was tossing Luke out on his ass. Now suddenly Luke's following him around the hospital for no apparent reason, still continuing their conversation like nothing happened. :-P Then Reid shows up in Luke's room when all he wanted was food. The kitchen's on the first level, Reid! :-P

C'mon writers...try a little harder. For us? 'Cause we understand what you're doing but we still want a bit of reality to it! :-P

Oh yes, and Lily and Holden made on the smoochies today. Totally not planned, but Lily was upset over Luke and Noah, and she started talking about how two people who are meant to be together shouldn't break up (and how sad that is. GAH) and she apologized for letting Damian come in between them. Holden doesn't blame her anymore and told her as much, and then they started kissing before Holden abruptly pulled away and then raced off to save Molly.

Whew. Did you make it through this whole thing? Bravo! Thanks for sticking with me! *hugs*

Thank goodness tomorrow's Friday! Whee!


gabriel, chris, henry, congressman blowhard, doc oliver, luke, holden/molly, faith, recap post, katie, noah, lily, casey, jack/carly, vienna, alison, written by g, lucinda

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