
Jun 08, 2009 19:22

Hi, many of you may already be aware of my site, Winds of Song.  Well, guess what!? I'm looking for personally translated lyrics of all of these songs (in English):

Koakuma Heaven
My Father's Day
Faraway Hoshi ni Negai wo
Oblivious - Kao no Nai Tenshi
In Flames
Lost Angels
No Reason

I would prefer that you send in your own translations and not redirect me to someone who has them.  It is just easier for me and the easier it is the faster they get posted up :D.

You will get full credit! This includes the user name you give me and a link to whatever site you want me to link the user name too. (livejournal, facebook, myspace…etc.)

I am also wondering if any one would like to be the official Winds of Song translator?  Its just like it sounds, when the lyrics get out the translator goes to work translating for the site. This just really keeps me from having to rummage around the internet for translations. ^^0

Also, there are still some songs on the site that have no translator credit. I would love to put a name to these lyrics! So send in your own translation. I will change out the old translation for your bright and pretty new one - with a name to credit it to.

You may contact me a number of ways.

Post the lyrics here

Email me ~

IM me ~ angelleeca

If you have any questions please feel free to ask. ^_^

Thank you!

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