Zip line pictures! This place was freaking awesome. Tree To Tree Adventure Park, up by Gaston, OR.
I had a blast. It was more aerial obstacles than zip lines, but there was plenty of those. The obstacles were difficult and terrifying, but I accomplished them. That gave me a strong sense of achievement, I'm not ashamed to say.
This was my first zip-line...from about 35 feet up to the ground, I would say. Terrifying!
One of the obstacles I'm about to tackle a little way down the road. Basically, a tight-rope with some hanging ropes and buoys to hold onto. Grah!
One of the easier obstacles...a board bridge that would sway from side to side.
This one was tough. It was a rope that you clung to and flew over a 20 foot gap, about 40 feet in the air, and into a spider web rope bridge. Then you have to climb up onto the platform. This one about killed me...I really strained my leg and arm muscles getting up from wayyyyy low on the rope. It ended with a zip line that looked like....
The camera focused on the c-rings rather than the drop...but this was fucking high up.
This was the most terrifying obstacle. The boards would sway from side to side with each step and open up gaps, and at the very end you have to step from a platform that's going up and down, AND side to side, onto basically a rope swing that kicks out as soon as you touch it. Horrifying!
The whole day was was a really damn good time. I was sore for a week,but it was totally worth it!