i find your thoughts to be compelling, and i agree, things in our society only exsist because we as fundemental human beings allow them to exist in the name of our self-interest because of majority beliefs. Our reality is based upon these constructed agreements that create ideals that define how we should act and what is considered as 'moral' if such a word exists. But as to your desire to see a genuninity of a person, I don't think thats ever possible. People reveal different facets of themselves to differing people\ personalities. There is no one stable identity of our persona. Think about it, i'm sure Friend X knows a different you from Friend Y, in a broad sense they may pick out the same broad adjectives that describe your personality, but in the minusca {spelling no idea there) they know two totally different yous. the point being is that your desire to know the core of every person is an irreachable goal for that fact that you would never really KNOW the person just what the intereactions between the two of your personalities would reveal. I mean you can know a person closely v. just like an aquaintance but there is NO geunine personality ofa person. geunineity doesn;t exsist you strive for a uptopia. Anyways I find your thoughts to be particularly compelling I'd love to talk to you sometime. Though you know me. [I guess that part sounds creeepy :p] but yeah you seem like a very intellectually stimulating person
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