Nov 08, 2006 22:08
Oh my god... Murder Mystery is tomorrow.
I'm nervous. I'm not worried about fucking my lines up. I'm worried, because we haven't run through the whole show in one go ONCE. I mean, fuck. Three weeks and you think we'd do the whole thing in one go. But no. Plus, There hasn't been a day when we had the whole cast there to practice. SOMEONE has been gone, no matter what. On top of th at, people still don't know their lines. Renee and Katie will be fine. Dennis... Oh god. Kelsey is doing fine, as is Haley. Sam gets to read her script for her first five huge monologues, so she's fine. Ryan and Matt, though... Ugh. I fear for tomorrow.
Plus, this is our first show of the year. Our first fund-raiser. Our reputation depends on this. If we fuck this show up, people aren't going to want to donate money to us, which we need to pay for a new sound system, which is expensive as hell. Ours is so old, a bunch of pieces are COLLECTORS' ITEMS. And, yeah. I'm just nervous is all... Afraid that if someone breaks, I won't be able to help pick it back up.. Plus this is my first show. So yeah, no pressure or anything.
I know I'll be fine, but the horror of it all is starting to sink in.
Oh yeah. If you were gonna go see it, you're S.O.L. We're sold out.