One Apology to soothe them all (yeah i know LOTR but they will get over it)

May 24, 2004 08:34

I am sry for being an ass to anybody recently, i have just had alot to deal with. uhhhh again i am sry but i am an asshole sometimes, sometimes i am an asshole for good reasons sometimes i am an asshole because i am to ignorant to change my ways. so from now on i am going to try harder to stop being as much of an asshole and see life the "right" way so yeah again SO fucking sry to anybody who i have hurt even a little bit with my assholeness unless you are one of the following: Amber Welsch (T3), Ryan Collings, Brandon Lopez, Jack dont know his last name but you should all know who the fuck he is, and there are a couple people more but i dont remeber them right now. So for the Last time i am sry.
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