Sep 20, 2009 11:32
Hi all!
It's me again.
What a summer. Holy crap... what a summer.
Heidi and I went eventing this year and hit it hard. I think I did 6 major events this year, fought Rapier and Combat Archery and generally had a good time.
Was actually really happy with my life for awhile... I mean truly, really down to the core happy. But the universe realized it's mistake so I'm back to satisfied. Not to mention it was scaring people. Heh.
So, end of the season and I got Pneumonia again. First time in years. Doctor almost threw me into the hospital. But it's mostly gone now.
The really ugly news for me is that I get to have my wrist operated on. Apparently the ligament that holds the 2 wrist bones at the forearm joint has broken. So on Nov. 3rd I go in and let someone hack me up.... errrr... operate on my hand. Will mean having my wrist pinned for at least 8 weeks and hopefully I'll have enough mobility in it by the start of next tourney season up here. I love my fighting.
On the good news front, Heidi and I are still on schedule to see everyone on the closing weekend of Faire! That's right, we are traveling all the way across the country just to see you all! We are both really excited and can't wait. It is also Heidi's birthday that weekend and this is her present!
Well, that's the quick report.