Time after Time

Sep 26, 2004 09:42

*after his conversation with Data, walks with the Bajoran to this temple of hers. Perhaps he will learn more of this place he's found himself in. How he got so far from England and what has happened to his dear friend Sherlock*

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g30rd1_laforge September 26 2004, 11:00:57 UTC
*Running through the hot dessert, with just a simple scratchy covering him. So very young, but must run. Trying to hide, but taken by the Egyptians. Toiling hard on mud bricks, carrying water, day after day of slavery. No hope, barely fed enough to survive.

Then water turning to blood. Followed by more frogs than he'd ever seen before, which made a good addition to his diet. Then gnats that bit at him all the time. Then flies that appeared everywhere before illness. Animals belonging to everyone getting ill with a strange disease, though the Jews were trying to claim their animals were not sick. Then festering boils which tormented him with pain. Then freak hail storms pellting him and the land, him running inside just before the hail as big as bricks started falling down, killing people when they were hit with it. After the hail stopped, locusts came and ate every living plant the hail left untouched. Then clouds covering the sky, giving unrelenting darkness for three days, him not even having the light of a fire to comfort him. Then reports of the firstborn son dying in every household, the Pharoah releasing the Israelites from slavery.

He went with them, following a large silver disk, with strange beings inside it that the Israelites were calling angels, but didn't look much different from the people he talked to every day. Then endless wandering around in circles. Not even approaching the nomads in the dessert. He approached Mose, the adopted son of Pharoah's daughter. "Why don't we just ask them for directions?"

We must follow Yahweh's angels.

No matter how often he urged Mose to ask for directions the answer was always the same and if he protested he was labeled a blaphemer and his life threatened. So he shut up, followed Mose, who followed the bright huge silver disk with "angels" inside it, getting to the "promised land" just a few short days before dying of old age.


g30rd1_laforge September 26 2004, 11:21:48 UTC
she was born in the shadow of a battlefield or so her mother always told her. Her father a great warlord who taught her how to fight. Gave her her first chakram. Taught her that she had to be stronger, faster, merciless if she wished to get anywhere. Then meeting Ares. Being taught by him, making love with him. Becoming a great Warrior Princess. Given her horse Argo in reward for a successful campaign. Going fishing with Ares as they both needed to relax.

Xena, feared by so many. Meeting Hercules and taking her first steps toward redemption. Their making love, becoming lovers, then separating. Meeting Gabrielle, her soul mate. And then Joxer, her loyal friend. The time the three of them made love. The various adventures. Eventually dying in Japan, within Gabrielle's arms.


g30rd1_laforge September 26 2004, 12:00:39 UTC
*a royal prince, raised in luxury. All he could ask for at his fingertips. Being taught yoga from a young age. Learning from the sacred books, The Bhagavad- Gita: The Song of the Lord; Upanishads: The Books of Knowledge; The Rig Vedas. He believed in the two basic ideas underlying the Vedas - Satya (truth) and Rta (eternal order); and every god or goddess exemplifies and represents these two ideas. The moral code Vedics adhere too. Examining the Vedic hymns as a whole, he finds that one discovers a doctrine, not of oneness, but of one divine substance pervading all. It is stated that the One Being is contemplated by the sages in many forms: Ekam santam bahudha kalpayanti. He spends much time in meditation and prayer. Some time in yoga and learning the Kama Sutra so he might please his future wife and the gods.

When he turns 30 he meets his wife, a young, beautiful woman of 14. She gives him many children. When he's aged he becomes ascetic, gives up all his possessions and rejecting his heritage. And when he lies down to die, looks forward to his next incarnation.*


g30rd1_laforge September 26 2004, 12:36:39 UTC
*barefoot and hungry she lives within the shadow of Windsor castle. Knows they live in luxury. Knows only that people are dying all around her. Her father, mother, brothers gone. The constant lolling of bells to Bring Out The Dead. Told by the priests that God is doing this to make them pay for their sins. Wonders what they have done so badly to deserve this. Knows that all through london, people are dying in this year of the Lord, 1563.

The children playing Ring around the rosy, pocket full of posy, ashes, ashes, we all fall dead. Wonders if she will get the rosy red rash in the form of a ring, start sneezing and die. To be turned into ashes on one of the constantly burning piles.

Lives to see her children, several taken by death to the plague, before becoming humpbacked, almost toothless and dying, free of the dreaded rash, but worried for her children, their children. Will the black death ever release its hold on the earth? Is the last thing she asks herself before closing her eyes in peace.*


g30rd1_laforge September 26 2004, 13:09:07 UTC
*A childhood full of love, the son of the chief. Learning how to hunt, fish, protect his tribe. Becoming a man, then running through the glades with the other warriors of the tribe. Kunta Kinte has had a great life.

Then captured by the white man, taken aboard a big wooden boat, the jarring motion as they travel the huge river. Kept in chains, learning how to hate. Given to a man in exchange for some coins. Beaten down time and again. He is Kunta Kinte and will not be defeated.

His toes from one foot cut off after an escape attempt to prevent him from running again. His children sold to other people. His wife sold. Never knowing what happened to any of them. Dying as a slave in a country that allows one man to buy and sell another.*


g30rd1_laforge September 26 2004, 13:12:18 UTC
*he grows up in relative luxury, parents able to feed, clothe and educate him. Eventually going to St. Bartholomew’s Hospital in West Smithfield, as a medical student. Becoming a doctor, meeting Sherlock Holmes his life long friend there, and always learning. Going on one adventure after another with his friend. Solving crimes with him. Eventually becoming sick of hearing, "Elementary, my dear Watson."
Goes for a walk in northern Scotland, falling into the River Dee and drowning.*


g30rd1_laforge September 26 2004, 13:35:38 UTC
*he remembers meeting Willow and playing with her when they were 5. Remembers growing with her, shoving her into mud puddles, even having a crush on her for a short time. His father and mother having the smell of alcohol on their breaths most of the time. The constant fighting, crying, yelling, and throwing of things. He did okay in school, he wasn't the best student, but he also wasn't the worst.

Being part of Buffy's entourage gave him a family, a purpose. He supported them as much as he could, encouraged them. And he met Angel through them, becoming his lover. After graduating, living in his parent's basement, paying rent, going from one job to another before getting into construction. Losing touch with Angel, but meeting Lestate and becoming his lover till the day he dies.*


g30rd1_laforge September 26 2004, 13:52:13 UTC
*Ruby was born just as Earth had almost fully recovered from the Eugenics war. Visiting a museum with a cable car in it. Learning the history of San Francisco. Watching all the different people come and go. Touring Starfleet headquarters and meeting her first Vulcan Soval, and Maxwell Forrest.

Notices how Forrest always talks about Henry Archer. Being hired to tend bar at the 601, the most famous gay bar for Starfleet. Meeting Trip, who kept hitting on her though he knew it was a gay bar and she more interested in women.

Greeting the famous Jon Archer at the end of his mission. Meeting Malcolm Reed who eventually went on to great things. Meeting their children, so tall and much older than they should be considering Enterprise was only gone for about 7 years.

Meeting all the others. Watching Starfleet officers come and go. Till the day of the earthquake, which toppled her bar and killed her.*


g30rd1_laforge September 26 2004, 14:42:20 UTC
*As a child he recognized his mother by scent, her voice, what her footsteps sounded like. He loved how soft her skin was. Loved learning shapes, tastes, how to find his way around outside even though he could not see.

Becoming trapped in the house during a fire, unable to get out due to smoke and heat coming from everywhere. So terribly scared he had an accident in his pants which he had not done for years. Seemingly trapped for a long time, but reassured by his parents that it was only minutes. His sister Arianna becoming a good friend as they move constantly. Each other the only constants in life beyond toys and his Circasian cat, as his parents go from assignment to assignment in Starfleet. Never settling in one place.

Getting the visor, being warned that it would be painful to use and not caring. For he knew the only way he'd get onto a Starfleet ship and explore would be if he could "see". The worry of his parents as he went in for surgery for the implants. The excruciating pain the first time the visor was put on him, holding it on when the doctor mentioned removing it. Slowly learning how to use it, learning how to manage the pain that comes with it.

So very excited to get into Starfleet academy. The time his roommate convinced him that since there was a right and a left for shoes, that socks came in right and left. And how he would feel his socks carefully to make sure he got them on the correct feet. His first lover, a beautiful Andorian woman going into Security. His first male lover Chakotay. His first assignment, under Captain Zimbata on the Victory.

His mother's death on the Hera in 2370. Meeting Riker on Farpoint Station, waiting to join Captain Picard on Enterprise. Glad he met him when he refitted that one shuttle's engine for the Enterprise before he came to Farpoint. Meeting the rest of the crew. His various friendships, girlfriends, boyfriends. His on again, off again affair with Data.

Visiting Deanna and doing the past life progression thing. His going back and forth between personalities the last few months. And coming to DS9 thinking he was Dr. Watson.*

you will remember all of who you have been.

but be only one person, the Geordi. The Vedic dedicated to truth and eternal order.

Remember the prophets, our son.

Remember that you have been both male and female.

father, mother, son, daughter, brother, sister, wife, husband.

treat your body as a temple.

keep it pristine, clean, immaculate.

you shall be one with your inner self.

your path is your own.

*white light sweeps over him. He closes the casing over the orb. Stands. Walks to a basin of water, dips the provided cloth in and wipes his face with the cold water. Discards the cloth into the fire as you are supposed to.

He isn't sure how he knows that. Only knows he must now keep himself pristine, clean, immaculate.

Exits the temple and goes in search of Data.*


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