Apr 13, 2006 19:46
I didn't really have any plans to do this journal thing, but then I found out about the Whedonverse Limerick Contest. I found myself concocting Limericks in my head (almost involuntarily!) and once I finished a couple, I decided I had to enter. These are the ones I was happy enough with to submit:
There once was a man named Jayne Cobb
Who thought Malcolm Reynolds he’d rob.
But Mal offered the hunk
Ten percent, his own bunk,
And a steady gun totin’ job.
There once was a fellow named Xander
Whose life always seemed to meander.
A hero he’s not,
He helped Buffy a lot
But never was able to land her.
A girl with a sweet disposition
Was seeking a brand new position.
“I’m not just a wench,
I’m good with a wrench.”
Now she fixes Serenity’s transmission.
I've got one or two more I'm trying to finish in time - we'll see. By the way if this entry or journal looks screwed up somehow, bear with me. I just set this thing up today and I don't really know what I'm doing yet!