So, according to What Color is Your Parachute, I enjoy and am good at the following things, in rough order from most to least:
Highly enjoy/am skilled at:
Analyzing information/breaking ideas down
Finding patterns in data
Generating new ideas
Getting things done
Evaluating/making recommendations
Initiating, founding, establishing
Taking the lead
Moderately enjoy/am skilled at:
Interpreting ideas or language (of individuals, written or orally)
Classifying/organizing/prioritizing information
Somewhat enjoy/am skilled at:
Communicating with individuals in person or over the phone
Observing people
Comparing similarities and differences
Synthesizing information
Compiling, searching, researching
Communicating with individuals in writing
Communicating to groups
...So, this basically means I should be a programmer? :) I seem to have almost enough skills/interests required for managing, researching, and administrative work, but not quite. Editing and urban planning look like pretty good fits, though.
And, for kicks, a
career assessment i took. just like my interests and skillset, the jobs i'd enjoy most are all over the map. (though i'm not actually sure i'd enjoy many of them.) the report has a lot more than the jobs it thinks i'd be best suited for, but i posted the jobs below.
1) librarian i might enjoy the work, but i wouldn't feel like i was contributing to any sort of cause; i'd feel like i was ... working in a library. maybe i could do similar things somewhere else.
2) reporter i am definitely not assertive enough, good enough with people, or good enough at dealing with stress to be a reporter.
3) translator ... too bad i only know Latin.
4) paralegal doing tedious literature searches and being scorned by lawyers doesn't sound very exciting.
5) technical writer might enjoy it, except i might not feel like i was contributing to any sort of cause
6) landscape/grounds manager ... might enjoy it, but um, it's not what i want to do with my life. not to mention that it would be void of intellectual stimulation.
7) public administrator yeah, maybe.
8) tech support specialist these are the people in india who tell people to plug in their computers when people complain that their computers don't work, right?
9) sociologist i can see it. except the part where this is actually a "job," because that implies that people will actually pay me to do this sort of work.
10) urban and regional planner i can see this too, except, according to ari, these people are greatly restricted by the local policies and political climate, so that sucks.
'Course, the report also says that I like physical stuff -- i.e., machines, computer
networks, athletics, working outdoors -- more than thinking, creating, organizing, leading, or socializing, which is kind of suspect. I mean, I really do like nature, exercising, and repairing things, and I will feel like crap if I don't go outside several times a day or exercise several times a week. But I'll feel even worse if I don't socialize at least once a day, or am in an environment devoid of intellectual stimulation. Not to mention that repairing stuff probably isn't the most efficient way for me to achieve my goals in life.
Anyway, onto work and sleep and stuff.