I'll update this post as I find more :)
Performance in a Leading Role by MadLori (BEST. FANFIC. EVER. WRITTEN)
Ashes to Ashes by silkmoth101
I Prefer to Text by ellie_hell
Beneath the Pine by 17pansies
Sherlock BBC (?) by pir8fancier
A Slowly Dawning Attraction by mitsuruaki
Fight or Flight by knowmydark
The Real Meaning of Idioms by feverishsea
We Go Anywhere But To The Ground by geordielover
Galapogos by anchors
Anything by livia_carica or marielikestodraw (they're both AMAZING). Some faves:
Tangled by livia_carica
Safe by livia_carica
Reichenbach by marielikestodraw
And the world stops turning by marielikestodraw
Vids: (major spoilers for series 2)
007 by LightNeverFades
I'm gonna fight 'em off by Lordjabuszko