Feb 29, 2008 04:40
I i/med eric from MA yesterday, and apologized for being so completely unhinged while we were close. and he responded with: get illx: ill always love you
get illx: one of my best friends ever
that kind of made my life. I miss that kid so much.
but at the same time its a reminder of what always happens with me. friendships fade and people change.
one of the people who had been one of my best friends is now a stranger to me. I know that I'm not the one that's changed this time though. I'm still who've I've been since I went to school in september, and the same person I was when I came home in december. its sad that they no longer give a flying shit about me. that the only time they bother to talk to me if they need weed or boagies. im tired of it, so this is my way of officially ending this bullshit.