
Sep 05, 2008 00:19

I just watched a bunch of speeches from the convention: Huckabee, Clinton 1 and 2, Obama, Guliani, McCain, Obama 2 (Michelle obviously, my favorite one), Romney, Alaska lady

This was the most insulting, rude, horrible part of all of those 10 speeches

MR. GIULIANI: To those Americans who still feel torn in this election, I'd like to suggest one way to think about this to help make a choice in 2008. Think about it this way. You're hiring someone to do a job, an important job, a job that relates to the safety of yourself and your family. Imagine that you have two job applications in your hand with the name and the party affiliation blocked out. They're both good and patriotic men, with very different life experiences that have led them to this moment of shared history. You've got to make this decision, and you've got to make it right, and you have to desire -- you've got to decide who am I going to hire.

On the one hand, you've got a man who's dedicated his life to the service of the United States. He's been tested time and again by crisis. He has passed every test.

(Applause.) Even his adversaries acknowledge, Democrats, Republicans, everyone acknowledges that John McCain is a true American hero. (Cheers, applause.) He loves America, as we all do, but he has sacrificed for it as few do. (Cheers, applause.)

As a young man, he joined the military. And being a "Top Gun" kind of guy, he became a fighter pilot. He was on a mission over Hanoi when his plane was shot down. He was tortured in a POW camp. But he refused his captors' offer of early release, because this is a man who believes in serving a cause greater than self-interest, and that cause is the United States of America. America comes first! (Cheers, applause.)


MR. GIULIANI: He has proved his commitment with his blood. He came home a national hero. He had earned a life of peace and quiet. But he was called to public service again, running for Congress and then the United States Senate, as a proud foot soldier in the Reagan revolution. (Cheers, applause.)

His principle independence never wavered. He stood up to special interests. He fought for fiscal discipline and ethics reform and a strong national defense. That's the one choice. That's the one man.

On the other hand, you have a resume from a gifted man with an Ivy League education. He worked as a community organizer. (Laughter.) What? (Laughs.) He worked -- I said --

AUDIENCE: (Chanting.) Zero! Zero! Zero! Zero! Zero!

MR. GIULIANI: I said -- okay, okay. Maybe this is the first problem on the resume. (Laughter.) He worked as a community organizer. He immersed himself in Chicago machine politics. (Boos.)


OK - so then he goes into how Obama voted present 130 times (this means not much to me - I mean - of what? - what is the average? I'm not debating this is lame, I just don't know) - and talked about how being a mayor is SO MUCH HARDER and IMPORTANT than being a senator. And more or less equates being the mayor of NYC to being the mayor of Wassila

seriously, I was trying to be objective watching all of these speeches, this is just unacceptable. what a mean dracula man

best part though - he says "September eleventh" instead of "9/11"
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