
Jul 19, 2008 14:06

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when I approached him about the global climate change bill; mamasilica July 24 2008, 02:14:01 UTC
Dear Dr. Whitsitt:

Thank you for contacting me about global climate change. I appreciate having the benefit of your input on this matter.

As Congress debates the issue of climate change, it is important that policy decisions are based on the best available science. During these debates, we must acknowledge that countries, such as India and China, are industrializing at a rapid pace and are greatly contributing to increased carbon dioxide emissions. In fact, China recently became the largest emitter of carbon dioxide.

A sensible economic and environmental strategy to responsibly control harmful emissions should remain a national priority. I support a flexible emissions reduction approach that promotes the development of advanced technologies and speeds their integration into the marketplace. This will allow industry the resources needed to invest in clean technologies, increase conservation, and promote energy efficiency. Innovation and technology will address our environmental challenges more effectively than proposals that create more litigation and government regulation. Because emissions controls have an economic impact, any approach to reduce harmful emissions must not put the United States at an economic disadvantage or penalize American workers.

Beyond controls on emissions, it is important that our national strategy include conservation and increased efficiencies. We must also strive to fully utilize renewable energy sources and other clean technologies such as nuclear and clean coal.

As a member of the United States Senate, I welcome an open dialogue about all environmental issues-including global climate change-and I will work to enact effective policies based on sound scientific and economic principles. Thank you for taking the time to contact me.


United States Senator

517 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
Tel: (202) 224-2934
Fax: (202) 228-2856


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