I've never been what I would call a good student. In the past, this was because of my poor study habits and a marked tendency to sleep in any classroom setting. I'd go so far to claim it as some form of narcolepsy, the way I start getting sleepy the second I sit down in in a hall of learning. I blame my 5th grade teacher who let me sleep in class.
I've started taking classes at the UW, and I've just finished a mid-term for a java programming class. Based on my attitude and grades to date, I've apparently turned into the type of student I hated when I was a younger student, and when I've taught. Now that I actually know things, pertinent things to the subject I'm learning, I repeatedly restrain myself from critisizing the teacher and TA's on what seem like such simple things. Last quarter was rough because the teacher also wrote the book we were using, and I actually sat down with him to explain my issues with the first test and some details in his book. My first issues brought around changes. Telling him that I thought his facts were incorrect just made him force a smile and nod.
dunia even managed to fume at him from a distance when I brought up the concept of the World Famous Iteration, a concept the teacher said was well known, but that my lovely girlfriend declared a small smoking pile of shit.
I continue to remind myself that in low level classes, you don't necessarily learn what is true, you are being graded on absorbing what the teacher is teaching, in the exact way that the teacher is presenting it. You may learn later that it is wrong, but you still had to learn it.