May 28, 2004 14:26
hmm well yeah if you dont know by now dan and i broke up...yeah well everything was all well nd good and we were both fine with it until everyone just got involved...stupid shit was said and now its this big deal that wasnt meant to be a big deal...idk...i havent rele talked to dan which i guess i should do because i guess we have to get things straight...friends or no? to each other or no? know stuff like that...umm i guess "rumors" got around and well apparently one was that i lied to dan...well i didnt...umm i still want to be friends wit him idk if he wants to be friends wit me idk what then theres the whole nicole situation...umm yeah nicoles glad about us breaking up well maybe because now her best friend has time to hang out wit her again...i rele dont blame her...okay yeah maybe nicole now that i think about it you shouldnt have flipped out on dan last nite...but yet i understand why your mad...i mean you were blammed about the whole thing...which brings up another point...nicole had NOTHING to do with my decision NOTHING! she didnt influence my decision she didnt force me to come to my decision soo nicole its not your fault and i dont understand why people think that it is...umm idk i just want this to come to an end...i hate having everyone mad at each other over something soo stupid...i hate feeling weird sitting next to my best friend at an award ceremony (ahem) i hate this whole drama shit...i just want everything settled...come to umm wats the phrase...come to peace i i said i want to be friends but if he doesnt i guess i could understand but i just dont want everyone all pissy about it anymore...
well im ending this what ever il talk to youz latta bye