no subject, i'm lame

May 01, 2006 21:45


i went to a friend's birthday party for their two-year old.

35 adults.
20 babies.

as a result, i'm off sex for at least a week. not including with myself, that is.


i ate dinner at that queen street restaurant that used to be a polish or czech deli and is now way overpriced and all fancy.

the best part about the whole place is definitely the bathroom experience. right from the top of the stairs down, you can imagine more coin was dropped on the whole bathroom experience that the rest of the joint.

the hand rail is modern thin with battle star galactica perspective lines going into the distance, down. sorry, i don't even know what the hell i just said, but i'm not going back to fix it.

the highly polished concrete floor is coloured almost like those marbles with red and yellow swirls, but sort of like a water colour diffusion effect.

the men's sinks had beer tap handles for the water, and those napkins that you find in 5-star hotels, that feel like cotton hankercheifs.


i ate brunch at that parliament street 100% organic and 50% wheat-free place with the mamma's boy in the kitchen. i'd recommend it for dinner, but skip the breakfast unless you can find wheat-free pancakes anywhere else in town.


i played tennis at bishop strachan school's faux-grass private tennis courts, reserved just for the school girls whose parents dish out $20,000/year. we jumped the fence and got in a good 45 minutes before ms. security guard politely asked us to leave. we acknowledged our indiscretion and her good sense of humour before politely departing.


i rode my bike.


i wanted to see the cherry blossoms and listen to the ambient music on sunday at high park, but had too many obligations. sucks. pretty petals and sweet beats go together like ice cream and sprinkles.
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