Oct 08, 2003 08:28
I hate starting these things, mother just stopped by 2 tell me she loves me! I also hate italian because i'm failing horribly & i'm so dumb that i can't get a grip of the crap. I got a the lowest grade in the class with a 42 & mind you that i'm in a class with mostly freshman. Then i got a 60 on another test, the shit hasn't hit the fan yet but i better get my act 2gether before it does.
I wish school was designed 2 be a convince to everyones life. Extra help would be given on other days than tues & thursdays. Yea i like to bitch but if u don't like it stop reading my god damn journal jackass. I work my fuckin ass off trying 2 make a buck becuase my ball-less piece of a shit father doesn't give me a penny. I will say a lot of other people are in worse positions than me & i'm grateful for what I have but i always strive for the best I can do. I will never settle for shit. When i'm with a girl i want them to be honestly say "my man can take care of me & give me what ever i want". That's what gives me the strive to make the women of my dreams to be the happiest & healthiest women in the world. This is why i'm willing to work to the point of full collapse now so i can struggle while i'm young & not do it in the future when i'm old & have dry saggy balls. SO that brings me to this, I have some what of a mission as a teenager, prove that i can take care of my self with very little help. I know that I CAN do it in the future & as i progress i can be able 2 to take care of me & a loved one then be able 2 handle a full family on my own.
O yea about that chick that talked shyt about joey, i happy that ur good now & shyt but don't give me a attitude & be stay out of ur business. No one messes with joe & i will stick up for him no matter what. You would do the same thing if one of ur friends was being trashed talk. Speaking about big bad joe co me & him had a fuckin SWEET jam 2 day. I learned bike scene & we owned that & cute with out the e. Joey has to be the best player in the school & maybe the best in old bridge.
One day i went with my friend so he could pick up his chick at soccer practice & i saw this really hot chick that i saw last year & like we were hey back & forth & she called me "keri's boyfriend" & even after i broke up with keri it was "hey keri's ex-bf". She is has this voice that's really sweet but has this kick ass personality. I know her name but i can't think of it this second. She is really cool tho & maybe i'd like to see her at a show soon. Best place to take a girl that has the same interest in music as u is a concert bc then it has something for you always to remember. But that's how i feel.
Well that's about it for me today.
peace & little love