Nov 14, 2004 15:42
Well, as a rule, I try not to watch too much t.v. However, I have reached a boredom level that is almost zombification, so unfortunatly I turned to the mind-numbing, propaganda filled box of evil we call television. Here is what I saw. Immediately after "our president" received confirmation that he had been re-elected, he ordered an all out military strike on Fallujah. I believe that he waited because he didn't want to lose the public's favor. I mean come on, who's going to vote for a murderer? (Don't answer that!) He ran his campaign on the premise that he is a "morally sound individual" He claimed that he had been instilled with certain values and that these principles could be effective in running a nation. Well, then he turned around and began bombing a city filled with innocent people. I know that there are people out there who say that innocent lives lost is an inevitable part of war. Well, if that's so, then why do we condone it? War is a horrible, disgusting thing, yet we as a nation stand behind a president who is willing to kill without remorse. It disgusts me. My country tis of the, land of hipocrisy. Of thee I sing.
And then, I saw a commercial for the Christian Childrens's Fund (CFF) I had seen the commercial before, but the other dya I really paid attention. What I heard astounded me. The CFF prides itself on the fact that it gives MOST of it'd contributions to needy children. Most?!?!!?!? If I give to charity I want to know that all my money is going towards a good cause, instaed of into corporate Americas bottomless pit of wrongly obtained money. It disgusts me to see truly needy children being exploited by religous-governmental agencies in an effort to rob naive Americans and bank off of misery. This country has been getting paid by the misfortunes of others and it pisses me off. Can't anyone think of anything besides money?!
Well, that's my view on television. I will leave you with the lyrics to a great Zappa tune that touches on the issues I just disgust, I mean discussed. Enjoy!
I'm the Slime
I am gross and perverted, I'm obsessed and deranged,
I have existed for years but very little has changed.
I'm the tool of the government, and industry too,
For I am destined to rule and regulate you.
I may be vile and malicious, but you can't look away.
I make you think I'm delicious with the stuff that I say.
I'm the best you can get, Have you guessed me yat?
I'm the slime oozing out from your t.v. set.
You will obey me while I lead you
Through the garbage that I feed you
Until the day that we don't need you
Don't go for help, noone will heed you.
Your mind is totally controlled
It has been stuffed into my mold
And you will do as you are told
Until the rights to you are sold