
Jun 24, 2005 22:55

1.What time is it? >>10:59 PM<<
2.What is your name? >>k-r-y-s-t-i-n-a.<<
3.What is your birthday? >>October 17, 1986<<
4.How many sibs do you have? >>3<<
5.What are your sibs names? >>Amanda, Jay, Daniel<<
6.Do you have a job? >>Not anymore<<
7.If yes, where? >>errrr<<
8.If no to #6, Where do you wanna work? >>I'm starting as a preschool teacher in 3 wks<<
9.Do you have a car? >>yea<<
10.What kinda car do you have/want? >>I gots a pink Grand Am<<

11.Movie: >>mmm i love them all<<
12.Song: >>Almost anything old..<<
13.Band: >>More Than Me, Rascal Flatts<<
14.Group: >>mm... same?<<
15.Singer: >>16.TV Show: >>Date My Mom..lol<<
17.TV Channel: >> MTV, I'm a sucker for reality shows<<
18.Actor: >>Adam Sandler n Rob Schneider<<
19.Actress: >>angelina jolie or julia stiles in 10 Things<<
20.Comic: >>idk, i laugh at everyone, and everything for that matter<<
21.Magezine: >>Cosmopolitan..and you spelled magazine wrong<<
22.Food: >>i eat everything..but I'm gonna have to say steak & cheese sub<<
23.Snack: >>chocolate..it's equivilent to sex..lmao<<
24.Drink: >>Green tea, Diet Wild Cherry Pepsi<<
25.CD-ROM Game: >>Rugrats<<
26.Board Game: >>Trouble :oÞ or... does twister count?<<
27.Card Game: >>I'd probably like poker if i could keep a poker face<<
28.Kid Game: >>Hide-N-No-Peek...<<
29.Number: >>1 is the lonliest number..<<
30.Cartoon: >>they're all demented, honest to God. But Family Guy is sooo funny!<<
31.Character: >>my mom (seriously)<<
32.Disney Character: >>Goofy<<
33.Color: >>all shades of blue..and hot pink...<<
34.Hair Color: >>mmm... blonde..of course<<
35.Time of the day: >>any time at night<<
36.Day of the week: >>prolly saturday<<
37.Week of the month: >>wtf? err..the 2nd one<<
38.Month of the Year: >>whenever it rains... :)<<

39.Do you plan on having children: >>ohh yeahh<<
40.Do you want to get married: >>yea<<
41.How old do you wanna be when you have your first child: >>mmm early 20's?<<
42.How old do you wanna be when your married: >>23...<<
43.Would you have kids before marriage? >>definitly not<<
44.What would you name the boy? >>Peaches<<
45.What would you name the girl? >>Cream<<
46.Are you a virgin?: >>cute<<
47.If not, Do you plan on loosing your virginity ne time soon?: >>do you have a BUSH? ..yea how do U like personal questions, asshole<<
48.Have you had oral sex?: >>yea, on my pet orangatang, didn't i tell u? these questions r like..fuckin gay<<
49.If no, Have you been past base 1?: >>I haven't even been to base one...<<
50.Do you even know what the bases are?: >>do you? they're kinda different for everyone..ask around<<
51.Do you have a b/f or g/f (who): >>If you can call him my boyfriend, yeah..<<
52.Do you have a crush?: >>On you<<

53.Music/TV: >>music<<
54.Guys/Girls: >>guys<<
55.Green/Blue: >>blue<<
56.Pink/Purple: >>pink<<
57.Sleep/StayUp: >>sleeep<<
58.Summer/Winter: >>summer<<
59.Spring/Fall: >>fall<<
60.Night/Day: >>night<<
61.Hangin Out/Chillin: >>hanging out...<<
62.Friends/Lovers: >>friends always<<
63.Cold/Warm: >>chillaaay<<
64.Fast/Slow: >>slow<<
65.New/Old: >>old<<
66.Dark/Light: >>dark<<
67.Sparkle/Shine: >>sparkles<<
68.Peach/Plum: >>plum<<
69.Apple/Orange: >>orange<<
70.Laundry/Dishes: >>laundry<<
71..Christina/Britney: >>christina...<<
72.Limp Bizkit/KoRn: >> both<<
73.Rock/Rap: >>rock, 100%<<
74.Pop/R&B: >>R&B<<
98.Eminem: >>is hott...<<
99.Rap: >>yo bitches, lets get crunk wit our OGs and 40s and pimpin and hoes <<
100.Teenagers: >>we learn<<
101.Smoking: >>dreaded<<
102.Death: >>part of life..ironically<<
103.Life: >>has its "sucks" and its "rools"<<
104.Drinking: >>do it when im upset...hate when guys do it..hate alcoholics<<
105.Bomb Threats: >>have a life<<
106.Murder: >>funked up<<
107.Suicide: >>permanent solution to a temporary problem<<
108.Fear: >>stupid, depending on what it is<<

109.Who is your best friend?: >>in nt? PK and Rice..<<
110. Who is the best person to hang with?: >>it depends, i love everyone<<
111.Who is the sweetest person?: >>eric, lol<<
112.Whos the cutest person: >>i'll think it to myself<<
113.Whos the nicest?: >>idk i know a lottt of people<<
114.Whos the best to talk online with?: >>rice<<
115.Whos the most blonde: >>..me..<<
116.Whos the weirdest: >>weird=kewel..n we all are<<
117.Whos the craziest: >>evry1 i know<<
118.Loudest: >>casey. ever heard him laugh??<<
119.Quietest: >>idk..none of us really<<
120.Smartest: >>it depends on what<<
121.Quickest: >>mmm?<<
123.Most Trustful: >>pk, rice, or holly<<
124.Most Honest: >>holly<<
125.Most Cheerful: >>cheerful=fake...<<

126.Are you glad it's almost done? >>sure<<
127.Are you bored? >>pretty much<<
128.What kinda mood are you in right now? >>uh... bored?<<
129.Did you have a good day today? >>would you if you couldn't move?<<
130.What are you doing tomorrow: >>it depends how i feel<<
131.What did you do today? >>slept, ate, watched 50 First Dates, talked on the phone, talked online, slept some more, and in between, i took a whollle lotta meds<<
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