Jan 16, 2010 05:40
So I guess I will go forth and start writing in here again. I don't know how long ago I made this journal, but I remember writing in it and reading what my was going on in my friend's lives. I think I created it back in the 8th or 9th grade. At first, it was created as a way for me to keep up with my friends back in Washington when I was going to be moving down to Texas. And then it turned into a semi-social hotspot before MySpace came out. And when that did I rarely used this any more as I could just go to their sites. Now that there are dozens of other social networking websites out there I feel a sense to go back down to the basics. I have a MySpace, Twitter and even a YouTube account... yet nothing really compares to the simplicity of just writing into a journal and bam, you're done.
However I am no longer in school, or Texas for that matter, and needing the ability to go and see how my friends are doing. Becoming an adult quickly saturated my need for collecting and hording friends, as well as my need for staying up-to-date on the events that were culminating in their lives. Now my life revolves around my young family, first and always foremost, and trying to recover what sense of sanity and reasoning I have left. For too long I've been comfortable in dead-end jobs and doing nothing with my life. I was too used to the idea of just zombying my way through work and then turning into a recluse while I played various games. I tried, recently, to see if there was any appeal in this for me still as it seems I am unwilling to part with wanting to play games at all. I've been demoing Cryptic's Star Trek Online and it is quite an appealing and enticing game.
However I have no real sense to just sit down and zone at it. I can get drawn into it for a little bit but it just loses interest after a while and I close the game. Single player games, however, I could probably play if I had all the free time in the world to do. But with a second child looming closer I am beginning to realize that I need to grow up. Literally. It's time for me to come to the realization that I need an actual career that can provide for my family and time is better spent away from this machine.
So these updates will continue, at least I plan on continuing them, and I will sit down to check my email every now and then. And more so when I begin to sit down and begin writing my books.
Until then, adieu.