Apr 11, 2006 11:47
a few big things:
1. my computer has died the horrible death of a thousand deaths...BIG surprise. I have to try and get a new HD from the dellfuckers. again, BIG surprise.... i'm so saving for a mac now.
2. with the help of lagu's hubby i have successfully filed my taxes, it was super easy and i may be able to do it on my own next year. i'm getting a huge chunck back compaired to last years measly sum. why, oh why didn't my father's accountant ever tell him i could claim my rent? i've lost out on hundreds of dollars over the past six years or so.... bastard.
3. i'm building a giant! the new plastic ones from GW came in and they're awesome. and they have a rule set for playing just a big giant battle, where a group of giants just beat the snot outta each other till only one is left standing, *ah!*. i'm gonna try to make my giant a giantess.
4. i have a new best friend. it's all black and sexy and can hold 4gb of music. boy helped me buy a nano for my belated valentines prezzie. i lurves it. i lurves it good.
5. BIGGEST NEWS EVER!!! THE STORE IS TAKING ME TO SAN DIEGO!!!!! AHHHHHH!!! i don't have to pay for hotel, flight or the pass to get in, all i have to worry about is spending money and food stuffs!! i swear i'm gonna die of excitment between now and July 19th when we leave.....AAAAAHHHHH!!!! SAN DIEGO!!!