Jul 10, 2004 04:08
Well... after a false labor a few days ago and Lizz feeling like crap constantly. Also dealing with major financial issues and life just sucking.. I have been a little mentally gooey.
The not smoking thing is going great, although right now I could use a few of them. I now get to add a second friend to the list that doesnt know how to fucking deal with her problems and has resorted to cutting herself. Another friend that seems to be HIP with the times and is the coolest mother fucker on the block because she can cut herself. This is pissing me off. I don't know what to do. She even posted pictures of her self mutilation on her Live Journal. Lizz wants to call the police and have them come to her door. I don't know what to say to that. I want it to stop. I don't want her to hurt or possibly kill herself. That leaves me in a bind. Do I piss her off and probably never get to speak to her again because I called the police, or do i never get to speak to her again because she fucking killed herself. I really don't know how I am going to get to sleep and actually be functional at work today. This really blows ass. Right now "Person A" as we will call her is washing all the fucking blood off of her and taking pictures for me to see how bad it really is. I have already seen the bloodied ones and I almost fucking puked.
A friend of mine recently talked to me and got on my case for snapping on someone with foul language. He said that I changed. I am not who I used to be. EVERYONE CHANGES... I see that now more than ever. But I have no regrets to my change. I am not hurting myself. I am not at risk of killing myself anytime I get near something sharps. My opinions have gotten more blunt, and my language is a little more raw. But I have no regrets to where I am in my life, and I have no intent of turning back.
I do not know how to deal with this. That really freaked Lizz out. And I can understand that. Its all too familar from her past and she does not need to be exposed to this. Why cant people just realize that life is going to be painful..... Life is painful...
THATS IT RIGHT THERE!! That is what I don't understand. Life hurts. It brings pain to people. So why do they hurt there selves physically when they are already mentally scarred. What is that goig to accomplish. Don't give me this "releasing anger" bullshit. Or the "This is how I deal with my problems" bullshit copout. This is my warning. Its not a threat. I promise you all this. If you are going to get all crazy and shit and cut yourself, don't show me, don't tell me, dont even fucking hint about it, or you will have the police rolling up to your door to be baker-acted.