glory 2006

Jul 21, 2006 10:30

Ok funds so far, AND PLEASE PASS THIS ALONG (cut and past onto your LJ)

Need $2000
$525 so far (by the way $525 is from 9 people, three of which are playing there and donated $95 for 3 $15 dollar t-shirts)
$1475 to go

It is 7/21/06 the party is august 11th 12th and the 13th
My self Dan H and Andy S will be heading out the 7th of august
The T-shirts, pot-o-potties, dumpsters, and kegs have not been ordered! We are going to have to borrow again this year! Does not make us feel good!
The bands are lined up, around 250+ are expected and still only 9 people have sent in. this is not suppose to be a guilt trip but this is why we are probably going to make this the last year of Glory. The three of us (my self Dan H and Andy S) work on this party from January until the Friday it starts. With 200+ people and the inability to ask for $10 dollars a person to cover the cost is tiring! There are rumors (mostly started by us) that next year will be smaller and invite only. There is some truth to this, because we cannot put this much effort into a party that we cannot throw with out borrowing from people. We all would like to continue throwing this party but it is getting ridicules. Please help out! This week I will be asking for $2000 dollars from a very kind man who might be named later, I will order privies and a dumpster, John an Annett (owners of the Glen Store) need me to order beer if we are to have any this year. I have been waiting because bathrooms and dumpster come first, the money we have right now is enough to cover 2 privies with no cleaning option (and we cannot use the glen store bathroom be case we burnt out the pump last year costing the store around $2000) we need more donations. I will contact Dan H to discuss the beer but it does not look good. I hope it is not to late to order t-shirts or we might have after Glory shirts! I need to go play with my daughter now and might be writing more. If the person’s son that is going to loan us money reads this please write me with your dads phone number, or meat me at cartoon night,

I, We love you all and love the glory party so much, so please consider the time, money, and thought that goes into it!


Please make donations to

Dane R Breimhorst

Please send donations to

Dane R Breimhorst
225 Richmond St.
Saint Paul, MN 55102

Thank you,

p.s. by the way we ALSO have to get ready for fest!!
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