I'm actually at the final boss of the "true" ending and a;lsdkfjasd stuck because she keeps killing me with BULLSHIT MAGIC. It does 1,000,000,000,000 damage, casts fear on your entire party, and she gets to attack twice for every one of your turns. :') I'm level 86, I don't have to put up with that bullshit. :F
Actually, I really expected the entire internet to be obsessed with Kanji - I was really surprised that Naoto was so popular. XD;
D: It is. Last time I tried (THE FOURTH, BTW), I got her down to probably about 100-200HP, then she used that bullshit and there goes my whole party but Yosuke who used Yosuke magic to not die. Unfortunately, being a persona game, the death of the main character is the death of the whole party.
XD; I love them both. I guess I'm one of those freaks in the middle.
Whit really likes him, too. Mitsuru's more my type~ ;)
You should - just think, you'll never have to go to tartar sauce Tartarus ever again. \o/
*dead* HOW CAN YOU BE AFRAID OF TARTARsauceRUS? Just don't spend too long on any given floor, leave if you want full sp/hp back, and save between journeys in. :)
Death Note and FFXII should never be in the same post.
Fyre, you broke a cardinal rule of the internet.
How are you, Fyre? It's been a while. D:
What about you? :D
Yeahhhhh I'm ready for a weekend tooo. orz <<< 8.5 hours of sleep over three days, totally going to bed at a more reasonable hour tonight
:p /sits in the out of the loop corner
I'm actually at the final boss of the "true" ending and a;lsdkfjasd stuck because she keeps killing me with BULLSHIT MAGIC. It does 1,000,000,000,000 damage, casts fear on your entire party, and she gets to attack twice for every one of your turns. :') I'm level 86, I don't have to put up with that bullshit. :F
..... jeeeeeeeeesus that sounds like PAIN.
Actually, I really expected the entire internet to be obsessed with Kanji - I was really surprised that Naoto was so popular. XD;
D: It is. Last time I tried (THE FOURTH, BTW), I got her down to probably about 100-200HP, then she used that bullshit and there goes my whole party but Yosuke who used Yosuke magic to not die. Unfortunately, being a persona game, the death of the main character is the death of the whole party.
I need to finish P3 too. orz
But oh jeez hahaha;; the Tartarus freaks me outttt so I totally fail in there but I haven't even gotten to a real boss battle yet. OTL
Whit really likes him, too. Mitsuru's more my type~ ;)
You should - just think, you'll never have to go to tartar sauce Tartarus ever again. \o/
*dead* HOW CAN YOU BE AFRAID OF TARTARsauceRUS? Just don't spend too long on any given floor, leave if you want full sp/hp back, and save between journeys in. :)
Om nom Mitsuru~~ I am still shopping for a favorite. :U
FFFF TARTAR SAUCE. IDK I think it's because I usually play it at 1 AM with the lights off. SPOOKY MUSIC orz. But it's still fun. >>;
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