... orz
Wow hi I suck at doing more than one thing at once HELLO. /FAILS FOREVER
So I'm still not done with Heaven's Feel re: Fate/Stay Night bawww don't wanna to be stuck at work. /grabbyhands at laptop at home;;; Also what is with me and assholes srsly Shinji is like Agon x Fail^9999 okay OTL OTL OTL
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Uh. Number 4. What sort of person do they like? Do they have any strong personal ties/relationships?
AANND I am totally taking this. :)
.... They like the sort of person they can control. They have one or two relationships that you could classify as 'close', but that's only because they allow it. Most of their relationships are entirely one-sided, and they only give as much as they need to to keep things afloat. In short, they're a manipulative, cold-hearted bastard. :>
8) Eeeexcellent. IT SPREADS.
Yikes, sounds like they aren't so nice. How about this then: still #4 - 'which is better, war or peace?'
Nope, not at all, and the answer is: War. 8)
Okay, I read that all of the answers were male characters? How about number 10 then. I'll pilfer your question: how do they dress?
4 exists in only one dimension. :> But you are headed in the right direction.
LOL this question has been answered above. ;) "A REALLY FAGGY FUR-LINED COAT."
I should just ask what kind of media they feature in. :x
ALSO: The only swordsman I know who wears a fur-lined coat is Squalo...
Another question, how about... oh crud. Surely he's on the list. Is number four Mello? (If not, am I allowed to ask if he's on the list? No, I bet not. I'll think of another question.)
You got Squalo. 8)
And it's already been asked, actually. ;D Mello is not on the list. (IT WOULD BE TOO OBVIOUS. orz)
Ahaha, yesss. SQUALO.
Well, there we go! I'm trying to read the other comments, but I keep missing stuff! :x Anyway! (This game is fun...)
Who are you, four?! Ahem. Real question: Still number four. Weapon of choice is...?
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