Drabble: SH: moments to steal

Apr 15, 2010 21:37

Title: moments to steal
Characters: Holmes (Holmes/Watson)
Rating: G
Words: 100
Prompt: "suspicion", prompt three for holmes100
Notes: I wrote this immediately after seeing the prompt. I freely admit that the 'morning/afternoon/evening' bit was inspired by flying_android's States of (Un)dress: I didn't intend it, it just happened. Title nabbed from Will Young's 'You and I'.

Holmes doesn't like suspicions. He relies on knowledge, facts, clear and solid. But there are no certainties here: only tenuous links drawn between a glow of hooded eyes, a heat of hesitant fingertips.

Incidents that are too ambiguous to build foundations upon.

See, he could be mistaken.

Nevertheless, he suspects. Suspects in the morning, smiles shared over coffee-cups; in the afternoon, strolling too-close through London fog; in the evening, when it's John instead of Watson, shirt-sleeves and pipe-smoke and brandy and books...

But suspicions are fragile.

Thus Holmes will wait, patiently, until he has enough facts to make a case.


Feedback is love. ♥

Previous drabble: I'll look out for you

fic: drabble, fic: sherlock holmes, fic

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