Mar 30, 2007 21:53
I forgot to add this in earlier. When we were on our way to school this morning I saw the HUGEST robin EVER!!! Seriously I think it weight about 7 pounds. I wonder if the poor thing could even fly. I kid you not, it was freaking huge.
Had a random thought a bit later after the huge robin sighting. I was wondering if that when the Earth gets to over maximum capacity and they are all in the Northern Hemisphere if it will start to rotate, because it's top heavy. Then the north would turn into the south and everything will just be wrong and crazy. Yes, I had a very random thought. And yes, I had to share it with you all. :)
Have another banquet tomorrow. Trying to get my homework done now so that I don't have to worry about it. Already have one thing done. Just need to finish the other. Which is even harder. It's my re-write of an essay that I typed earlier. My professor wasn't 100 percent clear on what we had to do for it, and I hated mine. So I am planning on re-writting the whole thing. Ugh. Don't get me wrong, I love english. I'm even thinking about minoring in it. But I hate when I do an assignment the wrong way and have to do it again. Not to mention the fact that I have a film review due on Wednesday. All I hope is that I get one done. I can also ask for an extension on the other. I would rather have this one done though. The review I am not that worried about.
So, like I said, tomorrow I have another banquet. This one is for the whole county. Which is exciting. I can't wait. I think that the main reason I am so excited is because some, if not most, of these people are ones that I know. Mostly men, mind you. I go to training with them and talk to them. They're not "friends" but they are brethern to me and that is just as important. If one of them fell, God forbid, I would want to be there for their family. I love my firefighter family. That's what they are. I know that I can count on them.
Then I have a Chicken BBQ on Sunday. I love working at them. Mostly because I get to hang out with, once again, firefighters. This time though one's from my department. I trust these guys more, seeing how I have been around them and working with them for just over two years. These are the people that I entrust my life to. As well as them being there to joke around with.
Hmmm...... just got an idea. I was thinking that maybe I should but up an essay that I wrote for english class about my training as a firefighter. It was rather well done and it gives insight to things. I'm weary though because it is my work and I wouldn't like anyone using any of it without permission. But if I locked it by making it friends only..... well, we'll see.
Back to doing my homework.
fire department,
fun with friends,