So after getting Jen-Jen's headphones, and poking at them wondering why the Sony brand was worse than the RCA ones I bought off E-Bay I found this amusing review that describes them
I was using a really nice pair of Koss corded headphones that only cost like $30. Unfortunatly, they broke. The reason was the cord (being so long) always got wrapped around my armrest and under my wheels and it would pull my speaker (where the headphones were plugged into) or the headphones off of the desk and bring them crashing to the ground. Finally, the earcup snapped off.
I thought it best to replace them with some wireless headphones so it wouldn't happen anymore. I went and did some reasearch, all the wireless headphones seems to have at least some complaints, so I went with the Sony, largely based on brand and what was written on the box. BIG MISTAKE.
These are total garbage. Here are the biggest of the many 100 problems:
Audio Quality - This is awful. I have always a constant and LOUD hiss. I have adjusted all sorts of volume controls on the computer and it can not be removed.
Transmitter - This has to be the worst. When the transmitter is sitting on my desk. Facing me, I get no reception....huh? That's what I said. So when I take my headphones off the stand, I have to turn the transmitter to the left or right. It seems it doesn't transmit a full 360 degrees. Turning it left or right a little works until I move, if i slid around or work off the other monitor, I lose my sound once again. What I have actually been doing is turning the transmitter upside down, just setting it on its top/side. This was I never slid into an area that doesn't have sound. Also, upside down the hiss remains at the lowest I have ever gotten it, but it is still loud. The last, and most hated problem is the loss of connection. This happens about every 15 minutes. While the headphones are in use, the power light on the base will turn off and the headphones, still on my head with all kinds of volumes set to max will POP! and then HISSSSS very very loudly. This is when knock the headphones off and curse at them. The worse version of this situation is when I use the headphones late at night, and decide to cut the music off to concentrate or talk to someone online, and after 2 or 3 minutes of silence, the headphones POP! scaring the crap out of me.
Plugs - Everytime I want to use the headphones, I can't just pick them up off the base and put them on. The get sound, I have to remove them from the base and put them on, then take the transmitter base and unplug the power cable, wait and then plug it back in. After that, I get my sound and hiss until the next POP! at which point I have to repeat that procedure.
Those are the three biggest problems. Just overall total bad quality, bad design in the transmitter, problems with the bases power, and much more.
Also, don't forget the POP! To simulate this yourself, get a single firecracker and a snake, hold both to your ear and have someone light the firecracker. The firecracker will POP!, hurting your ear and make the snake begin hissing. This is what I hear every 15 minutes using these headphones.
I wouldn't not recommend these to ANYONE.
Oh the POP noise it is true... and I wish it was every 15 minutes.... It freaks you out... you know what it's like to be playing a game and seaking around then you hear this obscenely loud POP!?!?
But I wonder if I can do what some other guy did and exchange them for Acoustic Research AW771 900 MHz Wireless Stereo Headphones.... hmnnn I'll goad JenJen into coming with me... sometime