Mar 01, 2010 19:03
i am safely home & so very glad to be. i am devastated by my infirmaty. walking doen the hall brings tears to my eyes. i cant walk the dogs, by which i mean sit on the step while they walk on the retractable leash. i have nowhwere to go & nothing to do & am completely unable to make use of the time. i dont have unrealistic expectations of stepping back into old routines. i did however think that a trip to the potty should not require a 15 minute follow up nap.
i can clearly see why pnuemonia (esp bacterial) kills old people. im 32 & feel like death warmed over, i couldnt imagine being 80. although i feel a bit like it now.
i want to clean my house. j* is doing her very best, but she a, is working ft b. spent every free second in the hosp c. doeant have the faintest idea how to clean. if the pup has an accident she throws a towel on top of it. no blot, no cleaner, i have to laugh she means well & tries very hard, but i need to be able to do some more around here.