May 16, 2010 11:20
Lately I just can't settle down and play a computer game. I just can't. I try, I'll plan for it, say I'm going to do it, then my day off comes along and I'm running around the house or the yard doing this or that. I can't justify spending the time anymore. And it's not like anything has significantly changed in my life, I still feel like the same person, but my drives and goals are bringing me farther away from the days when I used to waste hours, heck, even days on World of Warcraft.
On a positive note, my increased time in the yard has yielded a brand new bed of perennials along the garage. It sports: Karl Foerster feather reedgrass, red day lilies, coreopsis, yarrow, blanket flower, sedum (purple emporer), and silver mound. I love looking at the plants, and flowers really brighten my mood, but I wish I had a sunny spot that was suitable for a vegetable garden. It would feel great to go and pick some produce right from my own garden for meals and such. I do have a hanging tomato plant and some herbs in a few pots on the deck but that is all.
I will be looking for a sunny yard when I purchase a house in the next year or two.