Well, my good friend
twylightb just started up an LJ so I guess I'll start writing in mine again occasionally, too. Maybe if I start writing again, I'll get some motivation again. I don't know why...I just know that lately I've been tired, and cranky, and just....bleh...
Part of the problem is probably that I need my medication adjusted...*sighs* Now that we're moved and settled, I really need to find a new psychiatrist and whatnot. I just wish I wasn't so afraid of calling strangers. I keep thinking that I'm gonna call the doctor, tell him how broke I am, and get laughed at. I know that's completely stupid, but I just can't help worrying...
On a positive note, I'm finally almost done with my sister's wedding presents. Honestly, I'm so close to being done that I'll probably take a break for a couple days and work on some of my things again for a bit...I'm getting a bit bored and burnt out on what I'm working on.
But, anyway...I'm back...for now...*shrugs* if anyone even still remembers me or gives a f@$^...