(no subject)

Feb 27, 2011 23:08

I'm in a wonderful mood - well, I would be, but it's all a bit muted now, for being tired. But I woke up early (8 is HORRIFICALLY early for a Sunday!) but the sun was blazing in my windows, and it was just gorgeous outside. Too bad at lunchtime, it decided to rain down like mad :(

So, today was Flat Cleaning Day. Except, it wasn't >.<  I ended up spending most of my time helping iBrother and iBrother's flatmate move out. Turns out, they hired the van yesterday to move. They managed to get round and pick up the furniture, the other housemates, and the other housemates' stuff. And by the time all that was dealt with, and moved, the van had to go back, and they hadn't moved their own stuff. So I ended up loading up the car, driving it down to Brixton, unloading everything, and then back to the flat, to repeat. We ended up cramming SO MUCH stuff into the car (I was driving the parentals CRV, thankfully, else it would have been twice as many trips, to do it in my car.) Though we did manage to get a double mattress, the huge-ass mirror, and various smaller bags, for one trip.

So EVENTUALLY they were gone, and I was able to start cleaning. S dropped by, and gave me a hand, so the two of us cleaned, to classical music :D I managed to get the kitchen mostly in order - the fridge was cleaned inside, all the counters scrubbed down, things re-arranged (not many things, because there are no plates yet...) but I got the placement of the kettle decided (very important, I'll have you know! Not to mention, the correct place to store the paper towels, and cling film..... And then S helped shift the "living room" furniture around, and drag Big Yucca back in (Big Yucca's the 8ft yucca plant iBrother acquired on FreeCycle, and didn't take with him). It's awesome - it kinda feels that much more, like *my* place. And also like a grown up place :D However, will have to go back up next weekend, and BLEACH THE HELL out of the bathrooms :-/ And then do the bedrooms. They'll be last.

But I am in a thoroughly pleased mood now :D Well, ok, that, and looking for more furniture on eBay. That's always pleasant :D

adventures in being an adult, family, london

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