(no subject)

Jun 07, 2009 22:59

I finally uploaded some icons for my Dreamwidth account. Which was a complicated task. Sometimes, my technical ineptness amazes even me.

For the record of the weekend, mum came back last night, so I picked her up from the airport and we almost got side-swiped by an idiot on the drive home, who thought about changing lanes but not checking his blind spot - or possibly even his mirrors - before doing so. I swerved and am thankful that that late at night the motorways are empty because I definitely didn't have time to check my lane was free before moving to avoid Mr. Idiot.

And in one of those efforts at keeping in touch with friends, I lunched in London with Cyprus S, and caught up on all her wedding plans. We had Chinese instead Sunday lunch, but had afternoon tea and cake at Richoux's. All very, very civilised.

family, friends, food

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