Other Shit

Jan 28, 2008 21:44

I wanted to do this long post at work about a conversation that Mike, Oli, Rob, Cat, Candace, and I had on Saturday, but it didn't pan out because they had me pretty busy all day. At one point I was in a meeting and had to sign (as did everyone) a commitment to my co-worker. Basically some new-age hippie shit about not gossiping and doing my work and all of that. I wanted to say, "Group hug everyone!" at the end of the meeting, but I decided to keep my mouth shut because I'm still new. This had apparently been in a concern of theirs when they took some survey deal over the summer. I dunno...I wasn't a part of that one. I gather that there must have been some shit talking or something going on. Wait until I get comfortable in there! Oh the shit talking that'll take place...MUAHAHA!


So on Saturday, we had a dojo get together that was pretty fun, and I already mentioned the enchiladas. We all got to talking about how shitty society has really become. Not in the sense that we all know that people are shitty, but in the sense of how bad it really is, and what the future will be like if this continues.

We figured part of it is due to too many people in small areas. Places are over crowded and I can tell you that just being around too many people can make the rest of my day hell. I hate large groups of people.

Another part of it is that people are quick to do something that advances their career, grade, plot in life, etc. and they don't give a shit about the people they step on to do so. I'm not talking about just the corporate world in which if you aren't one of those people, then you get stepped on. It forces you to either change and adapt or get out. I'm also talking about everyday life. When someone cuts in front of an old lady at Ikea nearly knocking her over so that they can check out first. (Candace told me that one, and she also said she snapped and yelled at them causing them to apologize. If they meant it is another thing, but at least she spoke up.)

People are becoming more and more rude, inconsiderate, unaware, self-centered, selfish, greedy, etc. every day. I know some may be saying, "Yeah what else is new." but I'm talking about looking deeper. This behavior is a new trend, and I think that the future is going to be horrible because of it. Why?

The shitty ass people have kids and in turn, teach them to be shitty adults. The cycle continues. I can't blame kids for being shitty because a lot of times, they don't know any better. Its the parents job to discipline them, teach them right from wrong, teach them how to be a good citizen, how to respect others, etc...but they don't. They let Uncle TV with Aunt XBox 360 babysit for them. The kids then learn how to no be able to socialize with other kids, which causes them to be socially awkward, or just self-centered in general.

I don't know....this is all a rant and I'm just typing, so it may be a bunch of jumbled thoughts at this point. I'm just sick and tired of people is what it comes down to. I'm sick of all the bullshit. It worries me. I want to have kids someday, but there are times when I feel like this is a shitty world to be raising them in and don't want to subject them to it. I do feel that when I have kids, at least they won't be shitty because I won't raise them that way. They'll learn how to be polite, not back-talk, be respectful, and productive members of society. I'll teach them how to shoot as early as I can because I feel its important. I don't want to continue a cycle of people being afraid of guns. I'm going to spank my kids when they misbehave badly. I'm not going to buy their love, or their grades with bribes and shit. I'm going to limit their tv/video game/computer/etc time so that they can go outside and play. My mom did all of this for me, and you know what? I turned out just fine.

I guess that kind of turned into an anti-PC bullshit rant...but that's still relevant as well. Everyone has become afraid to speak up against real problems in society for fear of being sued by some jackass who claims to be offended but really is just looking for some easy money.

I could keep going I guess, but bottom line is that society is rapidly going down the toilet and we need to do something about it.
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