May 29, 2006 08:12
and I love a cabaret?
Yeah... theatre on the brain. First Monday closed last night. All the actors had everything complimentary to say about me, and most of them mentioned that wanted to work with me again, would get refs, etc. I guess from their perspective, I did good. From my perspective, I did good. But no sooner am I nearly home (yay busses 'cause my mom has a broken wrist) then I get a call from Maria saying I'd walked off with one of the keys to the prop locker and that I had to come back -right now-. She wouldn't let me finish a sentence to say I -didn't drive-. *gasp shock horror* someone in LA that doesn't drive? OMGWTF! I kept trying to say I'd either drop it off in the morning or get a friend that was coming over to drop me, and she keeps going on about how she has a set to strike and can't have a long conversation and don't get mad at her 'cause she's just the messenger etc etc and so forth. Bullshit. Conversation would have gone much faster if she'd let me actually finish what I was trying to say. *sigh* Ah well. I got darky to give me a ride there when he got down and gave the keys to Ron, who was reasonable etc. and left easily.
Now, I'm off to another show (The Rabbi and the Cheerleader) that I'm opping on. Is fairly short term at the moment, but has the possiblility of sending me to New York 0_0;;
Why is it that even when I'm exhausted and frustrated and sore that I still love theatre? I think there's a masochist living in my brain...
Then after I gave the keys to Ron, the whole bunch of us got food and made yummy pasta and played DDR til early morn'. Yay!