Long Time..

Nov 14, 2004 11:08

Well since i have No men in my life (and dont really want them) i have become pathetic and ive been sick since Weds. weird.. look at my life schedule:

Monday- 5- Angel 6-either Charmed or 7th Heaven then 7-That 70s Show 8-DINNER 9-Dog Eat Dog 10-New 7th Heaven BED
Tuesday- 5- i have to go to practice then depending when i get home, usually 7ish-That 70s Show 8-DINNER 9-Dog Eat Dog 10-Who's Line Is it Anyways? BED
Wed- same as usual 9- LOST
Thurs- Same 8-THE OC 9-life as we know it
Friday- same as usual, used to be Degrassi at 8 but its takin a break :'(
Sat- Game, then movies all day, until i babysit
Sunday- 9-Desperate Housewives

but now i have a job soo i have to fix my schedule lol we'll see how that works out lol. well im tired soo im gonna go hopefully i'll update soon.

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