May 26, 2005 02:01
for lack of a better deity, since i dont feel like blaming my own, im blaming all my problems on God.
its nice to have a scapegoat.
im miserable. physically and mentally miserable. im sick at the moment. coughy-sneezy-dont-feel-like-looking-at-myself-going-through-two-boxes-of-tissues-a-day sick. i cant smell anything except the mucus buildup in my nose. everything has that sick stench to it. i tried taking a warm bath, it was supposed to make me feel better and loosen up my sinuses. i felt better-ish, but i used my nicest smelling bubble bath and everything, i was supposed to raspberry...i smelled snot. my mom wanted me to sniff a new perfume she bought from Victoria's Secret and tell her if i liked it, she got all pissed off when i said "all i smell is snot".
im mentally miserable because im already feeling detached from my friends. i get to spend two months with my mom and little brother. i really cant do anything else because mum wont let me go anywhere. my only hope is getting a job. that way i can take the SunTran and socialize on the bus (blech) and then i can socialize at work. but maybe if im lucky, my aunt will decide that im socially acceptable to be in her house *if i promise to wear some colour, no makeup, and take out my piercings and plugs* then id be allowed to come over and swim. ug, i actually hate swimming. the sun factor...and the fact that im too fucking self conscious to wear a bathing suit...i dont even think i own one.
im mentally miserable because i havent seen Sara in forever. and i probably wont for a LONG time. unless by some stroke of extreme luck she moves into my house instead of living with her dad *crosses fingers*
anyways, i went out today and bought canvas' and oil pastels.
im currently creating works of art projecting my thoughts and shit like that.
lets see you people create shitty art.