Thursday on the way home from work I stopped by Lowe's and got some pots. A couple of plants in the backyard needed to be moved to larger pots, and Mom and I had discussed the desirability of having more lavender -- specifically, a long windowbox-style pot of it. So next I stopped by Calloway's for a couple of lavender starts.
Yesterday I got an oil change and visited Grandma on the way home from work, then came home and crashed and slept until Mom got home from work -- and afterwards, until my alarm went off. Just barely avoided being tardy to work -- so it's a very good thing I had shifted my alarm times to fifteen minutes earlier.
Today I transplanted. I couldn't get the lavender starts into the new long pot (thirty-six inches long by maybe seven inches wide) because it needs holes to be actually drilled into the bottom for drainage, and we don't have a drill. I delegated that task to Mom, of visiting her sister's house and getting my uncle to drill those holes. (She said she'll take care of it tomorrow. Today was my second nephew's second birthday party and Mom spent the afternoon at that. Note that his actual birthday was last weekend, but Lauren wasn't up to dealing with it only a week past giving birth to Son #3.) But I got the baby pine and the older lavender plant moved up into bigger pots. And then I snoozed on the couch while trying to convince myself to get up and go brush my teeth.
And I've got a bit of time for another nap before work, so I'm going to try to take advantage of it.
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