So Saturday night's shift at work was weird, in that computer work was being done at our usual building and the power was going to be out for sections of the night, so they moved us to a nearby location and hauled some computers over and occasionally work was shuttled back and forth to the main building. I was a little bit late arriving but everyone there had just gone on break anyway. After that they still didn't have a workstation for me (the other guy there who was supposed to be my data entry backup told me if he'd had my phone number he would have told me not to bother showing up) so I offered to make a little courier run back to the regular building. When I got back they had a laptop set up for me to use, and after the other people finished up and cleared out (including the guy who was supposed to be my backup, skating on out early without helping with the data entry) I was booted from the laptop (which belonged to a supervisor who was leaving) to another workstation that had now been vacated. Some hours later a pair of computer guys arrived to reclaim the computers that had been brought over from the main building and bumped me to another workstation that belonged to the facility I was in. At the end (after nearly three hours of overtime, though given my late start I'd be fine with shaving off a half hour or even an hour off the start of my shift) I hauled the finished paperwork over to the main lab (allowing me to clock in to verify how late I'd worked finishing up by myself) and went home too tired to hit the gym or the grocery store.
So Sunday was a null day, and Monday I was starting out behind schedule. I got my gym session and grocery run taken care of, but spent too much of the day reading instead of doing other things that needed doing. (It felt too much like a Sunday afternoon.) So Tuesday I had half the Monday "to do" list to deal with, and I've had a busy day but looks like the only thing that really fell by the wayside was visiting Grandma. (Which I was hoping to do on the way to the gym, but I spent too long getting my computerage done before leaving the house, in part because we may get thunderstorms later tonight and in part because I wanted to get the base coats on my manicure and give them time to dry before leaving the house.)
This last day or two marks the first really proper blooms on the tulips that have been slowly appearing. Some are destined for cutting and bringing inside. (I have a pair of them in vases on the sideboard in the living room, along with the last two daffodils from the backyard.) Some are going to stay in the flowerbeds to brighten up our front yard. A couple of these pots may be moved to the front doorstep if we get multiple simultaneous blooms going (especially in the blue and the turquoise, which are meant to be a matched pair). Also, note the tiny crocus spikes appearing in the little orange pot in the foreground.
I didn't get quite all the gardening done this morning that I wanted to, but the extra soil was added to the first potato grow bag, and the amaryllis bulbs from last Xmas were put into new pots and moistened. Need to do a smidgen more pruning of the various trees before they really start budding out.
Worked on this for a bit after breakfast this morning, and started on the heel but had to rip it back out because it turned out I needed to make the foot a smidgen longer. So, not much visible progress.
This is the sock I work on while visiting Grandma, so there's at least a little bit of apparent growth.
And the neon-striped yarn ran out, so now it's going to be plain black for the rest of the kneesock. And there's a fair bit left to go before I reach the ribbing...
So I made a special point of hitting the gym (even going past 8pm) because there was no way in hell I'd want to have to deal with it tomorrow -- I'm going to want to come straight home from work and collapse. And I wanted to go ahead and finish up my nails because it's my second Mardi Gras mani and Mardi Gras was today -- which also gave me time to write up this entry, while the final coats were drying. So at least tomorrow's "to do" list is going to be really short.
I was really happy with this. So glittery!
Tonight's is pretty similar, although in the more standard emerald green and violet purple, and I didn't take the time to add gold glitter to the embellishments added to the green and purple fingers. (Also, no gold decal.)
And, right now my alarm has gone off and been snoozed several times. Happily, after coming home from gym and showering I dressed in my work clothes, and I took my caffeine and allergy pills while sitting here, so I'm ready to just go tend the bunnies, collect my lunch and snack, and hit the road...
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